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any crawlers in MN?

Well, its 6:18am, on d-day. Its lightly sprinkling, I highly doubt it will continue. So as far as everything goes its still on.

Adogg, I got your PM, so I will be givin ya a call if ya dont find us. I should have like 4 trucks comin in today, so if all that is preventing your clod from coming out, I got tons of 645MG's that you could use. I also have a set of 645mg gears I'll bring with. I'd like to get a variety of trucks going.

speedsport22, That rocks that your wanting to get together with us!!!!:-P Its a bit of a drive, but even if your truck isnt done, your more than welcome to come join us and meet everyone, and your more than welcome to run one of my trucks.

So, to anyone else out there, your more than welcome to join us and run, or check out the scene!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See all of ya later today!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4x4rcfreek said:
Adogg, I got your PM, so I will be givin ya a call if ya dont find us. I should have like 4 trucks comin in today, so if all that is preventing your clod from coming out, I got tons of 645MG's that you could use. I also have a set of 645mg gears I'll bring with. I'd like to get a variety of trucks going.

Well, I did end up fixing my Clod, I couldn't just let it sit at home while I went out crawling (it'd get jealous). The nice thing too is that the gear the stripped out is a different gear than what stripped out in my front servo. So by adding the two bad sets together I have one good replacement set still.:mrgreen: I also added my savers back on for now. I'd rather have a running machine for now until I get some stronger servos.

As for the weather... Looking at the radar, it looks as though the bad stuff was north of the cities and moving north.

Sorry guys I cant make it to day. If there is going to be another soon I will try and make it. Or if any one in the area wants to hang out that would be cool too.
Wow I guess I didn't suscride to this thread. So I missed all the MN happenings. I just got my TLT crawler finished last night (actually like 4 this morning). Of there is going to be a gathering in the Twin Cities and I have the day off I would come up.

speedsport22 I am aslo in Mankato, you should let me know when you get your Goliath together. Thats the truck that made me want a rock crawler:mrgreen: We canfind some place in Manakto to crawl.
9guy, no worries, there will alot more GTG's coming up. We had a solid turnout yesterday, met a couple of new guys, did some running, and overall hung out. I was happy with it being a first "official" MN GTG.

It would rock if you, 9guy, and speedsport got together down there in Mankato, found some good spots and then we will have some more spots to crawl. Have GTG's up here and down there!

I will start to line up another GTG with rerock, figure out another good day here in a couple of weeks and hopefully get more new guys to show up. So, I would say look for another GTG here prolly in 2 or 3 weeks. Give everyone time to get their rigs complete.
4x4rcfreek said:
I would say look for another GTG here prolly in 2 or 3 weeks. Give everyone time to get their rigs complete.

I think we might have more than that looking out the window... I need to talk to you about your TLT... Are you interested in parting out? I'll give you a shout after work.

The turn out was good for a first real GTG. I'm excited for better weather; that wind was wicked! I can't believe Jay didn't have a jacket! I was dying in my Carhardt!Then again, I am a bit of a wuss when it comes to cold.
hmm, there is alot out there. I think, as lonf as the snow stays, we might have to line up a snow run!!! I think it was adog, and I that were talkin bout doin one.

Re, as for the TLT, LMK what all ya want, and we can go from there. Gimme a call later.
Ofcoarse the snow had to come back. I am so ready for spring/summer (aka: nice weather for rc). I think some sort of snow crawl would be fun, but the light "fluffy" snow might not suit it. Maybe in spots where plows have gathered it, it's melted a little, and then froze over to be rock hard would be cool.
9GUY9 I would love to get to gether some time. I have my goliath just about done. We can look for places to crawl.

I think it would be great to have a GTG here in Mankato.

Also dose any one have any parts they would be willing to get rid of?

I also think it would be cool to get the whole MN club going. If there is any thing I can do to help just let me know. :mrgreen:
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Jay, you still wanna come work later this week? Tomorrow night work? I started something last night; I just might let you take a sneek peek of v3.0 if you promise to keep your mouth shut about details.
hey re, yeah i still want to come over and do some workin. I'll give ya a call later. And I promise to keep my mouth shut about your "secret" V3.0. But, then again, I dont think it really matters cuz. IT AINT GONNA BEAT MY 2.2!!! HAHAHAHA :mrgreen:

speedsport, what all parts are you lookin for? I have basically everything to build any type of crawler, well, except for txt axles. LMK what your lookin for.

Adogg, there is a couple of big parking lots around here that have snow banks that are all frozen over, and my maxx rig should be complete in the next day or so.

Freetime, instead of buying some moabs, try those swamp dawgs you have. No one is runnin those, and I've read good things about them. As for the links, I'm gonna make you a custom set. I'm gonna need to get the lengths for them. I also have a couple different types of shocks to chose from. As for the servos, if your gonna be runnin AWS, pick up 2 Hitec 645mg servos. If your gonna be runnin regular bat. packs, any charger will work. If your gonna be runnin the super cool ultra light micro lipo packs, you'll need to get a charger specific for those bats. What ESC do you have for the TLT? I have a couple different esc's you can run for either the clod or your tlt.
4x4rcfreek I'm looking for just about any thing. I'm starting a 1/10th crawler and I need basicly every thing. I was thinking of building a maxxcrawler. Got any advise?

speedsport, for sure. A maxx crawler would ROCK!!!!!!! I know cuz I'm puting the finishing touches on mine. I have everything to build the crawler but the chassis. LMK what all your wanting and we can go from there.
(rant)why does everyone have to live right next to the f**kin cities. nobody can live in nice western minnesota. its just in the east. god that pisses me off. nobody to crawl with where i am so i need some company. (/rant)

had to get that out.
Speedsport we'll have to get together and find some places to crawl when yhe snow melts.

Fuzzhead, I've been to Western MN, I have a pretty good idea why no one lives there:mrgreen: Is there even a rock in western MN to crawl on? If you want to come over to mankato some time we could hook up wiht spedsport and crawl.
Mnster, I'm down for the comp., When and where is it? I'll try to get a few of us to go down there.

fuzzhead, I'm sorry to read about your ranting. I would prolly be ranting just as bad if I was stuck out there all by lonesome self.

speedsport, since you need basically a whole truck, how about you buy a whole truck? I have an e-maxx ( ya know, evx 14.4 converted to singe bat., spooled fr. and rr. diffs, tranny w/ single speed lockout, TQ3 with converted rear steer switch, maximizer beadlocks w/ losi tread, hitec 645 MG steering servo). Other than the posted its basically stock. LMK if your interested and I'm sure we can work something out.