Cake Eater
RCC Addict
Up up for a GTG just about any weekend... :mrgreen:
It's good to see that a couple more people interested and willing.
It's good to see that a couple more people interested and willing.
Adogg13x said:Up up for a GTG just about any weekend... :mrgreen:
It's good to see that a couple more people interested and willing.
rerock said:My crawler runs right now, but I'm still waiting on the parts to show up for the new design. I do have something to drive if we wanna get another GTG on the calender. I think with weather being nice like it is, we should get something going. Should we say like two or three weekends from 4/1? That would give people time to schedule and hopefully have a better turn out. I'ld be interested in checking out a new location too. Maybe some of that stuff you found Troy by the river? Let's see what else is out there eh? What are all your thoughts?
ToyotaT said:so were is this TBD located at Id like to join this gtg
rerock said:Hey, if your heading towards Cannon Falls on your bike, maybe you might be able to look closer at this spot I saw from the road. It's on C.R. 46 (160th St.) just west HWY 61 in Hastings.
Heading west on 46, on the south side of the road is a creek/river. I think you cross a small bridge. At that bridge on the south side of the road is a pretty long rocky patch. The rocks looked to be like the ones behind that strip mall, but grey and smaller. Might be a good 2.2 spot. I didn't get a chance to stop though. I'll get back there when I can, but if your out for some R&R on the bike, maybe you'd have time...
freetimecrawler said:Re, I'm picking up tabs for cycle tomorrow, I'll check that spot out Sat if the weathers decent and report back.