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any crawlers in MN?

Adogg13x said:
Up up for a GTG just about any weekend... :mrgreen:
It's good to see that a couple more people interested and willing.

Yeah, we're starting to get a decent size group here, now all we need is to find time to get us all together at once, lol.
With your buddy Denny, and J's buddy Patrick? being the 2 its seems not on the board, we have about 18, including North Countrys Dad and myself. Mudman20 or Rock*Hound*Clod is, haven't chimed in for awhile though, but my last count is:

4x4rcfreek = J. BP
Patrick ?
Rerock =Eric Chrystal
Adogg =Andy EP
Denny ?
Speedsport22 =Chris Mankato
9Guy9 =Luke Mankato
Hulk =Josh Burnsville
Mudman20 =? Waseca
North Country =Joe ("and old man") Pops I'm assuming. ?
Clodesota =Russell Cushing (Brainerd area)
ToyotaT =Zach Northfield
Nicklepimp =Kevin Bloomington
Cole18 =Cole Bloomington
Pro beater =Jerimy Bloomington
Rock*Hound*Clod is =? Mankato (Although I he hasn't been on this forum for awhile, I see he has a track) I'm going to pm him.
Freetimecrawler =Troy Richfield

We're off to a good start, now hopefully the weather this Spring is too.

I think I'm gonna run out to that spot in Burnsville today and do some more testing on the spazz build.


Edit: 4-8-06 If any of this information is incorrect, or you would like to add someone/something to it, or have me remove something? please let me know.
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Hey Guys,
Im a couple of hours away from most of you,Im near Brainerd(Cushing).
I just have my Sassy Chassis running right now,I am almost finished with my Zilla 3 crawler,well,your never really finished lol!
It just needs a piece of alum for the acc tray and wires for the ESC and motors.
I have 10 acres but not a lot of rocks yet but am looking around for some,I have a friend who has tons at his place so I might go pay a visit lol!
I have a Zilla 2 in progress and a Tamiya Mini Cooper also thats pretty nice if anyone knows where to race onroad?
I have a few health problems and my fundage is limited but would like to join the club if it gets going,LMK what happens,
Welcome Russell, North Country!! Glad to have you aboard, keep checking this thread for up dates and (hopefully) future club news and GTG's, and if you have some good places up there post them and suggest a gtg. Yes, Taylors Falls should be good. I know some good places in the Cuyuna Iron Range that should be pretty good, problem is trucks get a little Red from the iron ore, but some great rocks, and nice camping/1:1 wheeling and MTB area. Thats up near you Russell (Crosby)
Something to think about. Maybe some of the guys would be willing to do a 2 hour drive??

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rerock said:
My crawler runs right now, but I'm still waiting on the parts to show up for the new design. I do have something to drive if we wanna get another GTG on the calender. I think with weather being nice like it is, we should get something going. Should we say like two or three weekends from 4/1? That would give people time to schedule and hopefully have a better turn out. I'ld be interested in checking out a new location too. Maybe some of that stuff you found Troy by the river? Let's see what else is out there eh? What are all your thoughts?

Looking at the calender, it looks like 3 weeks from 4-1 is Easter weekend 4-15, I'm sure some might be out of town so that might be a bad weekend? next weekend is the 4-8, might be too short of notice for good turnout? Then we have 4-22, or 4-29. We have 5 Saturdays this month.:)

Maybe people should start posting up which of those is the best for them and we can come to a general consensus?

The open shop night idea sounds great, good way to toss idea's around with others, and set times (which are only respectful to you and your family) will help keep your wife happy ;-) .


P.S. post up guys, at least we can get an idea of what weekend works best.

P.S.S. I know it's a ways off, but... anyone thinking about going to that June Midwest Comp in Iowa? I'm planning on going myself, but it would be great to get a decent Mn turnout. Keep it in mind for early summer calendar planning.

EDIT: this comp date has been set for June 24-06
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I'll pitch the idea to the wife and make sure she's cool with it.

Maybe the 29th would work better since no one's posted up saying that won't work yet...

Troy, got that Sledgehammer tranny in Friday. It's pretty sweet! Now I just gotta grab like a GD-600 or something for it and should be good to go. Thanks!

I just wish these damn Juggy axles would show up. I'm getting the itch to start another chassis. Maybe I'll just make one to have something to drive at the GTG.

I'm not opposed to driving a couple hours. Hell if I have my trailer by then, I' might bring the 1:1 too. Do you need a OHV sticker for up there?
Well, I should have my clod/stick finished Fri, if I get my ajustable motor mounts by then. Anyone know of someplace in town to get them? If I get it finished, I'm gonna go somewhere Sat for testing.

I took Spazz (my tlt) out and ran it very hard yesterday, as a result it's now sitting on my bench torn down for a rebuild, I'm putting stronger servos in, new shocks, and remounting motor/tranny in a different position in effort to rid it of the terrible torque twist. Otherwise I was pretty happy with its climbing ability.
We will see soon if it helps, I plan on having it back together tonight.

And Eric, I'm not sure on the OHV sticker, last time up there you didn't need one, but you never know with this money hungry government if thats changed, I'll check with my dad who still lives up there.

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Freetimecrawler just told me about this thread i thought no one crawled in Mn.

As of right now all I have is a RBX tlt so that naturally is my main rig.

Great to meet you guys
Well let's say 29th of April for a GTG eh? How about 1:00 with the location TBD. Troy, you said you found a couple decent spots? Should we try one of those out this time? Welcome aboard Zach!
ToyotaT said:
so were is this TBD located at Id like to join this gtg

That's a good question. We'll have to hear back from Troy. He mentioned once that he found a few pretty good places; one of them being off of Black Dog road (along the river) in Burnsville; but I don't remember the other spots. I think he said he burned like 4 tanks in his Jeep looking for places. I burned one in my truck, but not too luch luck on the north end. Saw some good stuff by Hastings though.

We got time, so if anyone planning on making the GTG knows of a good spot, post up!
I took my tlt (Spazz) down to the spot on the river, when I got up to crawl I found it had too many weeds that were dried up and would tend to wanna lift your truck off the rocks. I suppose it would be ok if we took the time to pull/cut a few of those dead weeds out for a course. Its supposed to be decent out Sat, I think I'll get my tabs for my Motorcyle and do a nice scouting ride.

Zach, TBD= to be determined, still undecided, keep an eye out on this thread for info. We won't leave anyone out, we'd like to get a big turnout so mark the 29th of April down on your calendar for this GTG. Any nice spots down by you? There must be some along that Cannon valley bike trail following the Cannon river out of Cannon Falls?

After I finish this stick clod project, I'm on to a new tlt with a brand new experimental chassis design, the P4, check out the thread if you haven't seen it.


I'm going to be getting it by about the 14th of this month and I'll be posting up a build up thread in small scale crawlers.

I think I'll bring a cam along on my scouting ride and post up pic's if I find something I think is suitable.

I do have a possible location for a crawl though, my brother and his wife just bought a house down in Winona Mn, lots of natural crawling areas there, he's located just below the Garvin Heights overlook with a natural rock garden, we also talked about riprapping his drainage ditch comming off the bluff and he wants to build a RC10 offroad race course. Its good to have him back from 20 years of living in Hawaii, we're closest in age and interests.

I'll post up what I find this weekends scouting ride.

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Hey, if your heading towards Cannon Falls on your bike, maybe you might be able to look closer at this spot I saw from the road. It's on C.R. 46 (160th St.) just west HWY 61 in Hastings.

Heading west on 46, on the south side of the road is a creek/river. I think you cross a small bridge. At that bridge on the south side of the road is a pretty long rocky patch. The rocks looked to be like the ones behind that strip mall, but grey and smaller. Might be a good 2.2 spot. I didn't get a chance to stop though. I'll get back there when I can, but if your out for some R&R on the bike, maybe you'd have time...
well from Northfield to Fairbault on highway 3 there is a bunch of rock quarrys so to speak more gravel pits than anything but something has got to be back there. My lack of a license doesn't help much. Did my behind the wheel though just need to take the test.

I haven't checked out the cannon trail there is alot of potential in that area i'd think Ill need to check it out.

rerock said:
Hey, if your heading towards Cannon Falls on your bike, maybe you might be able to look closer at this spot I saw from the road. It's on C.R. 46 (160th St.) just west HWY 61 in Hastings.

Heading west on 46, on the south side of the road is a creek/river. I think you cross a small bridge. At that bridge on the south side of the road is a pretty long rocky patch. The rocks looked to be like the ones behind that strip mall, but grey and smaller. Might be a good 2.2 spot. I didn't get a chance to stop though. I'll get back there when I can, but if your out for some R&R on the bike, maybe you'd have time...

Re, I'm picking up tabs for cycle tomorrow, I'll check that spot out Sat if the weathers decent and report back.
freetimecrawler said:
Re, I'm picking up tabs for cycle tomorrow, I'll check that spot out Sat if the weathers decent and report back.

It looks like it should be pretty good. I'm not sure where people could park and what not though. I suppose that should be considered as well. It looked to be 100+ feet long and about 15' wide going up hill a bit. Not as steep as the hill behind the strip mall. Who knows, it might not be challenging enough for a built 2.2. I think that the spot behind the strip mall would be too difficult for the 2.2's, well atleast everyone would rack up lots of points backing up and flipping over.
i liked the strip mall, the other place sounds good too. yea, it might be to easy for, well, me, but the rest of ya might struggle.:flipoff: I know I havnt been around much, but I will be making it to the GTG and I hope to see any new faces that plan to be there. Also, re, i'm gonna be givin ya a call here someday to get together and do some more work, so lmk when a good day will be.