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any crawlers in MN?

Well, after reading alot of posts in the clod section, I've decided I'm just gonna finish my clod/stick project and sell my 2nd set of clod axles and scrap the 2nd clod build. I was going to build one with a NN carbon chassis. Reason being it seems they make things too easy, alot of the guys seem to be selling their big trucks and going to 2.2's.
I guess I'm going to buy a set of txt axles and have a txt, clod/stick, 2.2 SW2 tlt , and a tlt 2.2 experimental P4 chassis.
I was going to have 2 clods,and 2 tlts, I've changed that to the 1 clod and now a txt for big junk and the 2 tlt's for small junk.

I changed Spazz a little bit, I have just the slightest bit of torque twist but the truck drives nice and straight. It seems like it's about as close to the way I want it as I'm gonna get, for now anyway. Now on to finish the homemade clod/stick.

I'll post up what I find as far as gtg spots Sat night.

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What's up guys?? Nother mn native here. I'm staying in Bloomington and I been looking for a place to try out my clod. sounds like you guys are trying to find some spots too. I'm definetly a newbie just getting into this crawlin thing but when I stumbled across this site and some others I couldn't help but be interested. drop me a line if you don't mind another crawler to mash wit. Maybe you could give me some pointers
Nicklepimp said:
What's up guys?? Nother mn native here. I'm staying in Bloomington and I been looking for a place to try out my clod. sounds like you guys are trying to find some spots too. I'm definetly a newbie just getting into this crawlin thing but when I stumbled across this site and some others I couldn't help but be interested. drop me a line if you don't mind another crawler to mash wit. Maybe you could give me some pointers

Welcome aboard Nicklepimp!!! I'm right next to you in Richfield. keep an eye on this thread for gtg info, we're planning one on Sat April 29 at an as yet determined location.

Thanks for the welcome!:) I'll try to keep the 29th clear. I've been looking everywhere I go for rocks but Its like they dont exist round here. I'm jelous of all the vids i've seen.:mrgreen:
just by normandale and old shak... 9 mile creek huh? I'm still kinda new to the area but it sounds familier,, i've probably past it a bunch of times:? ... where you at cole???
Welcome aboard Cole18!!! Post what your running, and are you in for the April 29th GTG? Keep an eye out here for info as to where its going to be.

im almost done with the chassis all i need to do is weld the shock and link mounts on it. i still need to make some links, make some shock and link mounts for the axels, and need steering mounts

i have all the electronicks but i need a esc. so thats how far i am.
Cole18 said:
im still biulding my first crawler. its a tube frame with clod axels

Sounds great, any cam to post pic's? if you do, you should post a build thread here at RCC.
Rerock is also into tubers, and I beleive 4x4rcfreek is building something.
And of course we are lucky to have among us ( of course he's a busy guy) none other then the master tube builder Hulk (Josh) of Hulkwerks. The builder of the Red buggy gracing the front page here at RCCRAWLER.
Also if you read this whole thread, which is about starting a MN crawling club, Rerock (Eric) is getting an ok from his new bride to have an open shop night at his place for a couple of hours a week for guys to gtg and work and check out eachothers idea's and get/give tips and help.
ill try to go down to the spot im thinking about and take some pics of it if its not to wet . that thunder storm was pretty big tonight.
I'll take some pics of my tuber also.
Hey guys, its good to see some more of ya here!!! I'm one of the more knowledged guys in our area, so if any of ya need any help with anythying drop a line, I'm more than willing to help with anything. Also, if any of ya need parts or anything let me know I have enough parts to build several crawlers, well ,actually I do have several crawlers and alot of extra parts.

Cole, if your needing an esc what kind ya lookin for? I have super chickens and evx 14.4's. LMK what ya need.

Oh, and for the "projects" I have going, they are top secret and only I and rerock know about them. So if you are interested in my lil endevours, ask him.:lol: :lol: No, I have a maxx tuber I'm gettin close to finishing. Other than that I have a 2.2 clod, unlimited clod, tlt tuber, and my maxx tuber.
hey 4x4rc freek do you have any steering kits and shock/link mounts.i'm thinkin about the associated A.I. automatic super reverse esc from tower hobies check it out ;-)

are you a clod talk member to.:)
I've just got a clod that i'm turning from a zilla seriesIV into a crawler. changed links, home-made front mounted servos, 55 turn motrs,...still a work in progress(a never ending work in progress that is).