if i wanted a stick i would make one, all it is is a piece of aluminum, and 2 shock s
Cole18 said:if i wanted a stick i would make one, all it is is a piece of aluminum, and 2 shock s
4x4rcfreek said:nickel, most of us run a 9 tooth up front and an 8 tooth in the rear because it gets rid of the notorious "clod stall". If you are unfemiliar with that, read through this site, there is info all over the place about it. as for the speed, like re said, walking speed is bout right, or even a slow walk. Some guys have thier rigs goin bout 2 mph, now that is like crawl slow.
Cole18 said:hey nickel pimp i found a awsome spot in 9 mile creek off uv old shokopee. its accross the street from the police station. I took some pics but i dont now how to post them.and some pics of my tuber.
50/60 ft!?!?!!! sounds very interesting(especially further away from the cop shop). Im sending you a pm to help with the photbucket siteCole18 said:well its actually 2 streets accross from the police station and down in the park. photobucket is still uploading my 4 pics for about 5 min . Is this normal! :neutral:
the rock area is about 50 ft by 60 ft.
freetimecrawler said:Damn, those are some awsome shots for a phone cam!!
It was nice meeting you today Kevin, I had a good time bashing out there.
Let me know when you wanna run again, I'm game almost anytime, and if you have another close by spot? we can try that. Adoggs close also, he might be up for some bashing? Of course everyone else also is welcome.
freetimecrawler said:That place behind the strip mall in Burnsville might be more of a challange for the clods though.
Cole18 said:hey nickel pimp i found a awsome spot in 9 mile creek off uv old shokopee. its accross the street from the police station. I took some pics but i dont now how to post them.and some pics of my tuber.