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any crawlers in MN?

hey cole , good to see another local , i'm in Bloomington out by the mall of america there are 3 hobby shops i hit up on a reg basis , hub being the one if i'm hard up , cause they are a lil higher priced

Hub Hobby , Hobby Warehouse Richfield (tucked away in a residental block on chicago in richfield) , and R/C Car Kings Burnsville (hiway 13 by the Animal shelter and Dairy queen on hiway 13)

i'll send ya a PM with my cell #

also , anyone thought of goin down to minnehaha falls? or Blackdog road??
Locked TLT axles locked Pede trans , stampede wheels, IMEX swamp dawgs, Team PRP Racing chassis , and a ford f-100 body

i was thinkin about goin down to the falls (minnehaha) some time soon , that or Black Dog Road (along the minnesota river between 35W and 77)

i also work at a place that hase a mining operation with BIG rock piles , sand , head sizes rocks , its pretty cool , thats in lakeville/rosemount/apple valley , depend where in the intersection you stand LOL
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i read a little about it , i should be good on the 29th , i'm in the process of building a truck for my dad as well... and my 10 year old son hase a small Nylint:twisted:
What up fella's? Another native...Welcome aboard Pro beater. Looks like my plans either fell through or at least are posponed till later tonight. I might go checkout bass lake or something for a little while...anyone interested?
Info update

Yeah, we're starting to get a decent size group here, now all we need is to find time to get us all together at once, lol.
With your buddy Denny, and J's buddy Pat being the 2 its seems not on the board, we have about 25, including North Countrys Dad, Jerimy's dad, and son, and myself. Mudman20 or Rock*Hound*Clod is, haven't chimed in for awhile though, but my last count is:

4x4rcfreek = J. BP
Pat Osseo
Rerock =Eric. Crystal
Adogg =Andy. E.P
Denny ?
Speedsport22 =Chris. Mankato
9Guy9 =Luke. Mankato
Hulk =Josh. Burnsville
Mudman20 =? Waseca
North Country =Joe. ("and old man") Pops I'm assuming. ?
Clodesota =Russell. Cushing (Brainerd area)
ToyotaT =Zach. Northfield
Nicklepimp =Kevin. Bloomington
Cole18 =Cole. Bloomington
Pro beater =Jerimy. Bloomington ( and son and pops)
Rock*Hound*Clod is. =? Mankato
Mn gumby =? Moundsview (and 2 friends building crawlers)
mgtmania =? Rosemount
scho0643 =? Twincities
Freetimecrawler =Troy. Richfield

We're off to a good start, now hopefully the weather this Spring is too.


Edit: 4-8-06 If any of this information is incorrect, or you would like to add someone/something to it, or have me remove someone/something? please let me know.
This information was gathered from the forum and is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Don't forget to mark Sat April 29th down on your calendars for the 2nd official MN colabortive GTG.
location as yet to be decided.
Watch MN thread for info.
Please post up if your planning on comming.
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DAMMMNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is just blowin up! Very niiiiiice. Its good to see alot more new names that are active on gettin together. With the excpetion of today, I'm down to run whenever and of course I will be at the "big" GTG on the 29th.

Pat is located in osseo, and if he wants he can run my gecko, cuz he doesnt have a truck together yet.
The rock pile behind the strip mall we went to a while back was great in my opinion. While there was too much mud at the base, my 2.2 was still able to make it to the top, granted is was really the only 2.2 that made it to the top.:flipoff:
Troy, lmk when ya wanna gtg to get those parts from me.
Cole, dont feel bad for being awake all night, I would have been online too if it wasnt for the fact that I was WORKING.:lol:
As for this group gettin official, its deffinatly going in the right direction. All we need to do is get some good GTG's and maintain a large # of members. As long as we can do that I'm pretty sure we will be able to get the go ahead to be official. Rerock and I will persue it more after I see how well the GTG on the 29th turns out.
I'll be there the 29th.
The spot behind the strip mall in Burnsville is fine by me, seems like an easy place to meet, plenty spread out, a good challange, (maybe not quite as much for the clods) and parking, gets my vote.

So..... Thats:

4 votes for Burnsville location. 1.4x4rcfreek, 2.Freetime,3.speedsport22.4.Rerock

6 confirms for the Sat April 29th GTG. 1.4x4rcfreek,2.Freetime,3.Speedsport22,4.Pro beater,5.Nikelpimp.6.Rerock

1 Most likely will make it. 1.mgtmania

Post up gents, your vote for choice of location, and a confirmation if you'll be able to make it or not?

Also, please check out the Midwest Comp post, and post up if your interested in going. Trying to get a good size group of us from Mn to show up. Its an awsome site, pic's and information are posted here:

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I vote for the burnsville stop unless some finds a place that has a good layout and that we can actually park at. I think the burnsville spot would be great cuz its extra challenging for the 2.2's and we can do a completely different layout for the unlimiteds. It looks like most of us will be runnin 2.2's, so it will be more than challenging.

So, if your gonna show up, post up. If you might make it, well, post that instead. If you cant, well, then your just gonna miss out, but there will be more GTG's. I hope to see ya'll there.
I'm most definetly down the gtg on the 29th-Save me a spot. One question though-what time? I do have to work that day but only til 1:30...I can be there round 2 or 2:30p. Also I don't know where it is still. Maybe if some people wanna hook up before then and check it out.

I did some mashing round bass lake and found NO ROCKS!!!:x only a bunch of fallen timber-which was alright, I guess but I'd like to see how my stock clod tires grip on rocks. I've been thinking about some moabs(I been reading that they're to sh** on rocks) but I'd have to change rim size of course. Too many ideas...not enough money.
i hear ya thewre man , too many toys started , not enough time or $ to finish 'em

anyone wanna buy a lightly abused kidney?
Welcome aboard Mn Gumby!!!! Post up what your running, and if your interested in making it to our MN Get together Sat April 29th.

Read through this thread and you'll get to see what we're all about.

Hi Guys been coming to this forum for about a month but just noticed this thread tonight. I mainly race nitro offroad but am building a crawler to play around with this year. I hope to build one based on the nn got the clod axils will be ordering up some parts in the next couple of weeks. I hang out at Jerry's RC in lanolakes and 2 other guys there are building crawlers. Ones a home built shafty with emaxx tranny very interesting design and the others building a 2.2 In fact one was going to make a 5 hour trip to iowa for a gtg because we didn't know there were any other crawlers in MN. We're looking for locations in the north metro area and let you know if we find any. I'll tell them about this thread and I'm sure they'd like to make one of your gtg's.
mn_gumby said:
Hi Guys been coming to this forum for about a month but just noticed this thread tonight. I mainly race nitro offroad but am building a crawler to play around with this year. I hope to build one based on the nn got the clod axils will be ordering up some parts in the next couple of weeks. I hang out at Jerry's RC in lanolakes and 2 other guys there are building crawlers. Ones a home built shafty with emaxx tranny very interesting design and the others building a 2.2 In fact one was going to make a 5 hour trip to iowa for a gtg because we didn't know there were any other crawlers in MN. We're looking for locations in the north metro area and let you know if we find any. I'll tell them about this thread and I'm sure they'd like to make one of your gtg's.

You guys are all welcome to come to the gtg even if you don't have anything done to run yet, even if its just to meet some of the guys and check out some crawlers. Some of us have met, but many of us haven't yet, Burnsville Center I believe, is the tentative meeting place, and we run near there. Moundsview isn't that far.
Check through this post for an idea of what guys here are running.
Shaftys, Clods, E-maxx's, tubers. Then come out April 29th and meet the guys and check out some crawlers. Try and get those other 2 guys to post up on here.
Everyones welcome.

Theres a Midwest comp comming up in Iowa in June, its posted in the comps forum. I know theres like 3 of us going, hopefully Mn can send a few more down to represent our newly forming crawling club. If those guys were going to drive that far for a gtg, that might be willing for a comp also.

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29th at the strip mall huh? Sounds like a plan. That means I'll have to get on the stick and get the chassis done. I need to hurry up and gt this thing done. My mud truck is coming home this week, so after that it's 1:1 time for a while.