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any crawlers in MN?

Fellas, I may of found another location to check out...it's right under the 35W bridge over the MN river. A lot of good size rocks-real jagged so it will really test your rig's flex. It doesn't look like a busy area(granted right now the east bound is closed due to flooding). Parking isn't too bad...people fish at the river directly across the street and park right there. It's definetly worth checking out at least.
Nicklepimp said:
Fellas, I may of found another location to check out...it's right under the 35W bridge over the MN river. A lot of good size rocks-real jagged so it will really test your rig's flex. It doesn't look like a busy area(granted right now the east bound is closed due to flooding). Parking isn't too bad...people fish at the river directly across the street and park right there. It's definetly worth checking out at least.

I'm going to guess that you're talking about the North side of the bridge(Bloomington side). Just down Lyndale, past 106th and such? I'm kinda familiar with Bloomington, but not completely. I know that Lyndale heads further down towards the river.
I may have to check it out after work one of these days.

Cole, I may have to also stop at that location you mentioned by the police station one of these days too. I must drive by that police station everyday to and from work.
Actually it's the exit on the south side(Black Dog Road I think it's called). When you exit(from either direction) you come to a stop sign...look under the bridge and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Oh and by the way I checked out that spot that Cole was talking about(I think I found it-if not I may have another spot). Not bad, the water has gone down even though it's right next to the creek. But they have this netting on the grass surrounding the rocks. I don't know if they're treating the area or what but there weren't any signs saying keep off.
Nicklepimp said:
Actually it's the exit on the south side(Black Dog Road I think it's called). When you exit(from either direction) you come to a stop sign...look under the bridge and you'll see what I'm talking about..

Yeah, I'll have to take a look at that sometime... It'll have to be a weekend or something, there's now way in he11 that I'd try to cross 35W S on a weekday at 5pm (afterwork).
ya can get to Blackdog off of Cedar ave/ 77 too , take 77 s (from the mall of america) , take 13 off to the left (N?) , go to the 1st light , take a left , and just follow through the whindy road , come to a "T" go to the right and keep goin...

might take a lil bit , but head'n south on 77 is a lot better than 35 at 5pm

Mn Gtg

Don't forget to mark Sat April 29th down on your calendars for the 2nd official MN colabortive GTG.
location as yet to be decided.

Watch MN thread for info.

I'll be there the 29th.
The spot behind the strip mall in Burnsville is fine by me, seems like an easy place to meet, plenty spread out, a good challange, (maybe not quite as much for the clods) and parking, gets my vote.

So..... Thats:

6 votes for Burnsville location. 1.4x4rcfreek, 2.Freetime,3.speedsport22.4.Rerock5.ToyotaT6.North Country

7 confirms for the Sat April 29th GTG. 1.4x4rcfreek,2.Freetime,3.Speedsport22,4.Pro beater,5.Nikelpimp.6.Rerock7.ToyotaT

3 Most likely will make it. 1.mgtmania 2.Mudman20 3.North Country

Post up gents, your vote for choice of location, and a confirmation if you'll be able to make it or not?

Also, please check out the Midwest Comp post, and post up if your interested in going. Trying to get a good size group of us from Mn to show up. Its an awsome site, pic's and information are posted here:
Cole18 said:
hey nickelpimp how was the spot

The spot by the cop station was pretty nice. The water level has definetly gone down since your pcitures were taken(essentially was dry). There is some netting on the grass surrounding the area so I think they might be treating the area or something. But otherwise It's not bad-isolated from the creek, rocks up and down hill and flat terrain too. Probably gtg worthy, but I don't think it's comp worthy though. I'd still like to check it out with the clod one of these days.
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Mn crawlers don't miss the


Sunday May 21 2006
At Hobby Wearhouse
7144 Chicago Ave So

Load up your used or new stuff and bring it on over to our parking lot to sell,trade, and buy from other hobbiests.

Question for you guys; I found a couple rocks by my place that I've been messing around on, and I've noticed a lack of traction. I'm running stock clod tires(turned backwards) with recently narrowed rims, also I currently have a 6 cell stick battery on the front upper links. I want to split the battery and run 3 on each axle...do you think that will help the traction, or does siping work good on clod tires, or should I start saving for new tires/rims?:? :?
Nicklepimp said:
Question for you guys; I found a couple rocks by my place that I've been messing around on, and I've noticed a lack of traction. I'm running stock clod tires(turned backwards) with recently narrowed rims, also I currently have a 6 cell stick battery on the front upper links. I want to split the battery and run 3 on each axle...do you think that will help the traction, or does siping work good on clod tires, or should I start saving for new tires/rims?:? :?

For starters, I would definitely start saving for a new wheel and tire combo.
But for the time being, I think cutting/sipping the Clod tires would help with the flexability of them and maybe give you some better grip. I know there have been quite a few people on the board that have done that. Maybe look for some pics to see what they have done.
Well shoot ive been trying to keep up with this thread and im all lost :lol: while sifting through it though i couldn't come up with the location had it been finalized yet or is the spot still TBD on the 29th?

a buddy of mine got bit by the crawling bug himself and just ordered a TLT and bought a few things from me so i might get him to show up hes siked.

just ordered a Touareg so ill have another truck most likely for the GTG plus my TLT which is waiting on a backordered lathe (****** tower :evil: )
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ToyotaT said:
Well shoot ive been trying to keep up with this thread and im all lost :lol: while sifting through it though i couldn't come up with the location had it been finalized yet or is the spot still TBD on the 29th?

a buddy of mine got bit by the crawling bug himself and just ordered a TLT and bought a few things from me so i might get him to show up hes siked.

just ordered a Touareg so ill have another truck most likely for the GTG plus my TLT which is waiting on a backordered lathe (****** tower :evil: )

I think as of now, the spot in Burnsville seems to be the choice for the gtg on Sat the 29th. Please post up if your going to make it or not, and if you have a choice for another decent location.

Bring your buddy along Zach, even if he doesn't have anything to run yet. He'll really get the bug seeing everyones rigs. ;-)
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I'm excited about that comp. It sounds like it's gonna be a pretty big turn out. Based on the pics I saw, it looks to be a challenging location for 2.2's. I just hope I can get my TLT together in time for the GTG.

Speaking of which, any ideawhen you might be able to get that TQ3 done J?
Cole18 said:
What time would the comp be at?

The MN gtg I believe about 1:00 pm Sat April 29th. More info here when finalized

The MWRCA comp, I'm not sure? check that thread for updates on times, All I know is date and location at this point. As the date grows closer, I'm sure Crawlerman or Mnster will be posting that info.