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any crawlers in MN?

happy B-day chris , if i get a chance i'll swing up there with the kiddo and our crawlers, i went by there lastnight and they had the road blockaded cause of the high river , but i saw where you guys are talkin about if its right under the bridge , hope to see ya there
I dont really like the idea of traveling out of state its a little excessive for Crawlers when we can have our comps right here in MN. I like the idea of being a "chapter" of the midwest crawler group like Freetime stated we could keep the rules but have them at our own locations which sounds much cheaper.

Im still headin to the GTG so mark me down as a for sure but i just realized me and my bud both get off at 2 on the 29th so we will end up a bit late will this cause any problems?
ToyotaT said:
I dont really like the idea of traveling out of state its a little excessive for Crawlers when we can have our comps right here in MN. I like the idea of being a "chapter" of the midwest crawler group like Freetime stated we could keep the rules but have them at our own locations which sounds much cheaper.

Im still headin to the GTG so mark me down as a for sure but i just realized me and my bud both get off at 2 on the 29th so we will end up a bit late will this cause any problems?

I don't see problem with that, I think Nickelpimp (Kevin) said he works until 2 also and would be running a little late, we'll probaby be still shooting the bull anyway. ;-)
sounds like there is no real time frame but is there any solid time when we will be wraping up? I could care less really all day would be no problem.
Update: I've got the design for the new chassis V3.0 done and have the hardest part done. Now it's just a matter of getting the rest of the tube bent and some paint. I think it should be ready to go for the GTG. Maybe not 100% of the build ideas implememted at this point, but atleast it'll crawl. I can retro fit the rest later. This will be the 2006 season comp chassis; for better or for worse.

I'm on board with the MN chapter of the MWRCA. Local comps for MN, and open/ invitational MW comps for those who want to. I like camping and whatnot, but 5 hour drives monthly might be a little much. I think every other weekend for June, July, and August (8 comps) would be a good season?

I'm glad everyone has feedback. I wanted to get peoples gears turning and ideas flowing ahead of time for the GTG, so that way the meeting will be more about decision making rather than brain storming. Keep 'em coming!

I'll see yall there.
Alright... Here are some pics of Freetime(aka:Troy), Nicklepimp(aka:Kevin), and myself(aka:Andrew) on the rocks Saturday afternoon, under the 35W bridge on Black Dog Rd. It was an ok spot, the rocks were fairly large and kinda spaced apart as you can see. From were we were we liked the looks of the rocks on the other side of the river, but that spot seemed to be fenced & gated off.
It wasn't that bad of a spot though. What's nice about it is that it's under a bridge, a rather wide bridge, so not bad especially if it might be raining.

(Try and/or Kevin, if either of you want any pics i can email them to you. There are about a dozen more than what's shown here... Let me know.)


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That camera of yours produced some very nice quality shots Andrew. I agree, that spot looked a lot better that what it really was-but you know, you got to at least try out the spots you find in order to know.

By the way everyone,, as organized as those shots looked: not only did we drive 'em into those positions, but Troy drove his clod into position WITH NO FRONT STEER!!!:flipoff:
Last I knew, the north side of the birdge was accessible. There is a parking lot down there. Head east on 106th street and take a right at the stop sign. Head down to the river and it's right there. There is a bike trail that goes along the river, so I'm sure there is a way through. Worth checking out atleast. Maybe a Bloomingtonite might have tie to swing by adn check it out?

Chassis is just about done. Just need to make the roll cage part and build new links. It'll be nice to have a crawler that drives again. Need to get a 4ch radio pretty soon.
rerock said:
Last I knew, the north side of the birdge was accessible. There is a parking lot down there. Head east on 106th street and take a right at the stop sign. Head down to the river and it's right there. There is a bike trail that goes along the river, so I'm sure there is a way through. Worth checking out atleast. Maybe a Bloomingtonite might have tie to swing by adn check it out?

Chassis is just about done. Just need to make the roll cage part and build new links. It'll be nice to have a crawler that drives again. Need to get a 4ch radio pretty soon.

I'll try to check it out tonight after work. I know where it's at. I'll report back;-)
That'd be awesome! I'm taking a trip to the Blackhills this summer. Gotta see about getting a crawler together for my son. Maybe I'll finally use these Juggy axle that are sitting around.

Troy, Mr. Vendor, what kind of pricing can you get on a cheap 4ch. land radio system? Nothing too fancy at this point. Bare bones is all I really need.
rerock said:
That'd be awesome! I'm taking a trip to the Blackhills this summer. Gotta see about getting a crawler together for my son. Maybe I'll finally use these Juggy axle that are sitting around.

Troy, Mr. Vendor, what kind of pricing can you get on a cheap 4ch. land radio system? Nothing too fancy at this point. Bare bones is all I really need.

I'll check today on a price for a 4 channel, and let you know, it won't be till later today cause I have meetings this morning.
Of course the guys in our MN club will get stuff for what I pay for it.
That'd be huge! I'd sure appreciate it! I'm not in a major hurry for the 4ch, so whenever's clever. I'll be building another crawler for my son. He wants a "Big one"; so I'll be throwing some business your way.
Ok, I just got back from driving around for a couple hours specifically just for the sake of finding crawling spots, here's what I found:

That spot under the bridge, forget about it...from what I could see the rocks are about the same as the south side. Plus you have to go thru a gate that's clearly marked no tresspassing and then you'd have to jump another fence just to get to it...not worth the hassle:x I was dissapointed because like Adogg said; it looked promising from where we were.

But that didn't stop me. I continued my search in Bloomington and soon came to a realization; in Bloomington rocks have become an endangered species. So endangered that they've become a collectors item...people call 'em land-scaping.

So I moved my search. I drove down hwy 101 by ValleyFair and found a lot more promise there. I encountered a few spots with some little piles here and there with no obstacles or fences to hurdle. I found quite a few spots where busnisses again use them as landscaping but in a much more crawlingly appealing way(crawlingly is a new word I just made up-trademark 2006). Searched some side roads and half-a**ed back roads and came across a JACKPOT!!! Only catch-it's in the middle of a pond at the bottom of a hill with no access unless you want to wade thru some waist high weeds(and not the good kind;-) ). Continuing on found some more spots that look like there are rocks hiding. I could almost smell 'em but couldn't exactly find 'em.

Bottom line I think if we looked hard enough we could find some descent spots in that area-it's just a matter of perseverance. I may have rambled a little but I wanted to share my findings.
Thanks for taking the time to look! I've been so busy with life in general that I haven't had time to go searching. It would certainly motivate me more if I could throw a running crawler in the truck and go looking. I'm in the process of building a rock garden in my back yard. It will be considered "landscaping" as well, but engineered such that it is "crawler friendly". Well maybe not friendly, but you know what I mean. I gotta have some place close for chassis testing. I wonder if buying a vendor star qualifies you as a business; I could write off all my landscaping!
Thanks guys for wishing me a happy b-day. Sorry I have not been on here latley. I'm looking for a new job. Things have gotten so bad at work that I can not bring myself to go in any more. To make a long story short I have been harased (spelling) for a long time and supervisors etc. wont do any thing about it. I will be at the GTG. I still have to have some fun :0)~ Is it still at the mall? Also what time? Freetimecrawler I pmed you my # at one point do you still have it?