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any crawlers in MN?

rerock, ya got me, I'm busted. I got the spy shots I needed to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, on another note.................How about MNRCCA (Minnesota Radio Controlled Crawlers Association)???? anyone? anyone? Beuller? LIke I said, lets all get together, drink some beer, check out rigs, drink some beer, pow wow over a name for the organization, drink some more beer, and maybe gettin around to do some runnin. LETS DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the MNRCCA. If we were to vote, that'd be mine. Either that or something along the lines of "NRCC...Northland RC Crawlers" Logo could play off of the Northland Ford logo.
ehh, the northland thing might work, but theres one prob...................... FORD SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like I said, lets get together and decide on one, but mainly lets get together and run em. Oh, rerock, my wheel adaptors came in today!!!!!! :flipoff: :lol: looks like I might not stay a 2.2er ,we'll see.
freetimecrawler said:
Name a time and a place???

I don't know. I'll be in the shop working on th new chassis though. J needs to learn to make a tube chassis, so he can come over and learn the wrong way to do things. I don't have enough rocks in the shop for a bunch of people to come crawl; more like my personal stash; but I do have a fridge to keep beer cold...
well, rerock, lets get some more rocks in your garage, and lets get together tomorrow (sat) if thats an issue for ya re gimme a call. Freetime gimme a call and I'll get ya out here so the three of us can get together. Worst case scenario, we get together, get aqainted, and get drunk while we make some tube chassis'. :lol:
I'm not opposed to shipping in some more rock, but remember this is a shop, not an RC playground; it has to be able to pull a truck in for work relatively easy. That said, I don't know what the plans are for tonight or this weekend yet, so I'll talk to the wife when I get home and give you a call. I think she might be doing some girl stuff Sat, so that might work out. I'll let you know.
I'm not saying ship in some rocks or anything, I'm just saying grab some from outside, then we'll remove them after we run. Just a temp. solutiion till the weather warms up. hell, we can crawl over the t-cases in the shop if needed? :lol: :lol: :lol: Gimme a call after you talk to the wife.
Sorry this weekend didn't work out. We needed to get the house in order, and I had to do a brake job Sat. That ran late. I got that chassis done, but I'm not sure if I'm gonna like the set up or not. I'm thinking about starting over on a new one. The trany plate is a little wide (front to back), so the link lengths I think will be a little short and limit flex. We'll see what happens. I gotta get the the LHS and get some ball ends and get some temp links banged out to test before I 'can the chassis. I think that next weekend will work out better for a GTG.
hey, no worries rerock, if you want any help reworking v. 3.0, gimme a call. I'd be happy to help. Just gimme a call, or lemme know what time your gonna be free and I'll call you.
Freek, v2.0 is done minus driveshafts. I gotta tell ya, I think this is gonna be a definate contender...It's gotta be going up against a 2.2 Clod. The new design for v3.0 is already forming... I frankly don't know if I should take your "help" or not; you might point me in a less-than-favorable design in order to gain an advantage.;-)
What's the plan for this weekend? I don't think I got anything going on Saturday during the day. Wanna have a meet-n-greet at my place? I don't have much to drive on, but there are some trannies and t-cases sittign around that could work with the rocks.
im in SD (until october) if you feel like doing some midwest thing

my hockey team won the border battle 2006 hockey tourney in minnesota this year, but that is way off topic
hey re, gimme a call when u get the chance and lemme know the details of the gtg. oh, and dont worry bout me pointin you in the wrong direction, I want your tuber to be as strong of a contender as possible :lol:. I might even have the bruiser runnin:twisted:
Give me a shout when your up and moving. I'm whoopin it up tonight, but will b out in the sho when I get up. Feel free to swing by anytime. If the weather is decent, we could go check out some spots or something. I picked up another 3600 pack, so I'll have enough juice to crawl all day.
So what's up freetime? You in? I got a TLT, J had a clod, so there's a good comparison there. I also have a couple Nylints to scerw around with.
Hey Re, yeah, count me in, PM me directions/address and a time, I got your pm but was out of town on business last night and didn't get a chance to call you.
Want me to bring anything, beer, snacks ect?
I'll check this in the am and see if you've posted.
I'm looking forward to checking out your guys rigs, I still haven't decided what I want to build yet.

Hopefully,see you gents tomorrow,