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any crawlers in MN?

hey freetime, either give re or myself a call or pm me and I can get ya directions. Re prolly wont be able to get online till mon. so you might need to be in conact with me.
Hopefully we can get everything squared.
J, You prolly already know, but you left a couple of batteries. And Troy, it was good to meet ya, can't wat to see the clod when it's done. Also one of your 1:6 remotes is sitting here.

I think I found a spot to check out. It's out in Rosemount on HWY 3. Rocks look like the better ones in my shop. Maybe 15' wide and about 50' long going up a hill. Long enough to have 10 gates and two maybe three stages. Down the road there's rocks galore, but they're pretty big, so I don't know if they'll work or not. I'm just not sure where to park, but there's a bowling alley a couple hundred yards away. Worth checking out atleast.

I looked at the top of the forum, and set off a PM about getting our club listed. Since my registered date and post count qualify, I put myself down as the contact. I hope you guys don't care. At any rate, I put us down for MNRCRC; keeping with the theme of club names elsewhere like we talked about. So J, let's see some logo options. We are supposed to have like three comps/gtg's a year or something, but we've already got that; so no worries there. Whaddya think?
Sweet, thats fine that your the contact, but I still nominate myself as the pres. of the club. :D freetime gave me the go ahead to start building some axles, and I want to get started on the tuber, so when I'm over at the shop ( which will be here shortly) we can start workin on some logos.
Sounds good. I gotta clean the house (obviously), but later on in the week should work out fine for starting that tuber.

I did also send a PM to HULK since he is a MN boy and all. I know he's busy and whatnot, but I atleast I threw out the invite.
thats cool, I found a couple of other guys in MN that I sent out pms to, see if they might be interested in showing up to a get together. Also, if your not busy later this week we should join up and check out some places to run.
I am in MN as well. If we set up a meet n greet I would try and make it. I am wicked busy though...
Hi there 4x4rcfreek and others, I got your pm and sent you one back. I'm definatly up for a meet ant greet and maybe some running around. It's good to know that there are more people from MN around here.:mrgreen:

Oh... and if we're still voting on names of this "club"... How about RCRCMN, RCRCM, RCRCofM? (Radio Controlled Rock Crawlers of Minnesota.) Kinda a take-off of U of M.
How about a GTG tonight? Sounds like HULK is available tonight, and freek is coming over to start a chassis, so Adogg, if you wanna swing by too, that's cool. It can't really run late or anything because I have some more house cleaning to do, but if people wanna show up after work (anytime after 5), that's fine by me. Freek will hopefully be able to pick up some TLT axle shafts at the hobby store today so I'll be back to 4WD. It kind of sucks having a crawler sitting there broken...
I think they're like $7.50 a pair for the shafts, but whatever. I'm not gonna sit here and say you owe me money. I sold, well traded my rckjeep rock rings to J for a few sets or how ever it works out; so they're coming. I'm looking for TXT axles now; and if I don't find any used, I'll buy new. I guess that warehouse place has about half the parts in stock, so that's cool. I'm not sure when the next gtg will be. J wants to start his tuber, but I have somet things for work to take care of at night, so I'll be busy with that for a while. I'd look at the NN chassis. If I wasn't a tuber guy, I'd be on the fence between that and the SW2, but I thin kthe SW2 is more meant for shafty's.
O.k. Now that the "bugs" have need taken care of, Myself and Rerock invite anyone around to an informal GTG. It will be on Sat. 3/11 at 2p.m. We will meet in front of SEARS at the Burnsville mall. I would really like to see some new faces there and hope all can show up. If anyone needs directions or would just like to give a heads up that they might be late or anything feel free to PM me.
4x4rcfreek said:
O.k. Now that the "bugs" have need taken care of, Myself and Rerock invite anyone around to an informal GTG. It will be on Sat. 3/11 at 2p.m. We will meet in front of SEARS at the Burnsville mall. I would really like to see some new faces there and hope all can show up. If anyone needs directions or would just like to give a heads up that they might be late or anything feel free to PM me.

I'm in... 2:00 is fine... I know how to get there... Cool, cool, cool.
I take it this is a "rain or shine" thing? I don't know of any other info that I'd need, but if you think of anything let us/me know.
As for the weather, I'm gonna say its a rain or shine GTG unless its raining before anyone gets there. We all know how accurate (inaccurate) the weather people are.
Sounds fine by me. Jay, what time do you wanna swing by? 12:30-1:00? I think given the size of the parking lot, we should say a particular part of the lot. On the east side of the mall there is a parking lot for Sears. Why don't we meet by the main entrance to the parking lot on the frontage road. Say on the outermost edge of the lot by the entrance. We'll take my truck; it's a early 90's black Chevy extended cab short box. We'll be sitting out there. PM myself or freek for a phone number if you have any questions.
4x4rcfreek said:
As for the weather, I'm gonna say its a rain or shine GTG unless its raining before anyone gets there. We all know how accurate (inaccurate) the weather people are.

Its supposed to rain in the morning and start clearing by afternoon, so chances are it might be raining before anyone leaves for there, but hopefully get decent by 2:00. I'll check the board again tomorrow, if by chance the rain doesn't quit in time please post here if we're meeting or not.

J, my tlt (if it shows in time) doesn't have a battery pack, would you have 1 you could charge up and borrow me for the day? At least so I can give this truck a try out.


P.S. anyone heard from any of the other guys that chimmed in on this thread?
Would be nice to get as many as possible to show. I hope my tlt show in the mail today or tomorrow. Oh yeah, almost forgot, anyone bringing a camera?
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I have a camera, but no computer to load the pictures; so I'll say I don't have one. I don't have 4WD, but hopefully that will change today. I also have a couple of batteries that can be used as well. No one else has posted about coming except for us and adogg, so we'll see when we get there I guess. If I don't have 4WD, I'll prolly stay home and nurse my hang over.
Like I said, I'm still in...I'm not sure if I'll be bringing my Clod or not (still need to replace one of the servo gears, might be able to get to that tonight) But I will bring mt TLT and a camera. I see that you guys already answered one of my questions that I was going to ask (where in the large parking lot or entrance to meet at Sears...) I'll be looking for your truck rerock. And, keep an eye out for me (i'll be in a black Ranger reg cab Edge). I should still have freak's #, but I'll PM you both with my #.
Hi guys. I'm in mankato. I have a PTI goliath that I'm trying to finish. When it is done I would love to come hang out with you guys.