my local rc crawl club G2G
So both of my newly purchased Solar D772's were duds.
The first one was a fail immediately upon install.
The 2nd servo went 25' and the same failure occurred :evil:
Motor runs and drives...
but the output shaft spins free
as if the gears do not engage correctly.
Or in the case of my 2nd servo, not at all. grrr
hobbypartz is sending me two replacements...
But I thinking they too will fail. (tho' I'll hope not)
I had fairly good luck with my prior D772's
but obviously the quality has gone down hill...
or the original production line quality has degraded.
Guess I'll have to pony up for something else
if these replacements fail as well !? :evil:
So I've had fairly good luck with the D772 of the past.
Was originally a great low budget/cost, high torque, metal geared servo.
( 418 oz/in of torque @ 7.4v )
But since it's previous production run(s)
HobbyPartz's production/assembly of that servo has changed.
and for the worse.
The issue is:
That the output shaft will not turn the tires
because the center gear cog is slipping/spinning on the gear wheel
and cannot drive the output shaft.
That particular gear is designed as a two piece.
compression fit or like.
I happened to have an older production D772 on hand...
and the cog gear pressed to center gear wheel stays tight.
The gear design is cut differently as is seen below.
So I swapped in the earlier production center gear
and the problem was cured.
Fit perfectly and works as it should.
I have two replacement D772's coming to replace
the recent two failed units that I purchased.
But I'm gonna guess they will have the same production fault !?
edit 01-15-2016
My Warranty replacement D772(s) included the newer C gear design.
I didn't bother testing them to see if they would hold.
and instead swapped them out with the C gear(s)
from my retired D772's.
~ I knew I kept them around for some reason ~ :wink:
Tech support at HobbyPartz was notified of the issue
and I offered a complete description of the fault.
Hopefully HobbyPartz corrects the issue promptly
Possibly the current prod. gear could be pressed tighter
and that might hold !?
But I haven't tried that as of yet...
as I thought I might damage the brass gear material
in my attempt.
besides... HobbyPartz needs to correct this problem
not me.
The pictures below portray
current prod. on the left, previous prod. on the right.
And the difference of which center gear it has...
will likely be the difference as to whether it works or not.
My 1st of two was a failure from the start.
The 2nd D772 went 25' before the gear spun free. grrr
I personally feel the new C gear looks of lesser quality
then what was internal to the D772 originally !?