Continuing with the motorcycle sidebar...
There's several other tube/mousse/foam alternatives out there too. A popular product known as Tubliss uses basically the same concept Ferp420 is using: a small tire stuffed in a big tire. With Tubliss, they basically use a road bicycle tire with a high pressure tube to hold the main tire's beads against the wheel, even with zero pressure in the main tire. Lot's of full size offroad race trucks/buggies also run tire liners that are just an inflated Kevlar bag accomplishing the same thing as the Tubliss does. My KMC 222 wheels came predrilled to accept these liners, Staun sells kits to add them to almost any wheel too.
Another alternative seen in motorcycles is a product called "Tire Balls." They're just a more elegant version of the old (think: late '60's-'80's) racers trick of stuffing a tire full of tennis balls and then mounting. Like Ferp420's idea, it really relies on the rigidity of the insert to support the weight, not really air pressure.
Humvee's have used the "tire in a tire" method since the beginning, originally having a 2 piece magnesium run flat, later switching to a rubber run flat. Both version were heavily coated in grease to reduce friction and allow them to drive at moderate speeds with zero air pressure.
I guess all that is to say that the idea does work. That being said, foam has the unique ability to deaden an impact with virtually no rebound, so while it may make feedback on a motorcycle more vague, I think that is actually a big enough benefit on our rc crawlers to want to stick with foam. I'm sure with some time spent on test & tune, the tire-in-tire method can be tuned in to work desirably, but at this size, foam is working well enough for me to have no desire to change... except those $4!++y, way too soft open cell foams that are included with nearly every crawler tire! You're doing yourself a disservice by not trying something else!
I know that didn't even address venting!