So I'm going to throw out my experience with some of these cheap servos I've used over the years.
First up, the ds3218. I got a 4 pack for like 43 bucks delivered a couple years ago. I do not use them in a crawler, i use them in 2 ecx circuits. (Like a traxxas 2wd rustler). They're plenty fast and strong for them, but they dont hold up well to the impacts. I've broken 3 already. Which for the price and time line i suppose isn't that bad at all.
Now my very first cheap servo I bought, little over 3 years ago, was a power hd wp23kg. This cost 38 delivered at the time. It's been in my wraith and still going strong. It's only rated for 6.6v, and at first I was running it at 6v, and it seemed meh. About a year and a half ago, I installed a rx8 esc, and have been running it on 7.4v since then. I have proline 2.2 xls, and a castle 3800kv 1410 motor on 3s. Titanium links, and axial servo horn, with the link on the shorter hole thus further increasing torque. Its still running strong, and I just ordered a new set of gears for it ($13), since its getting a little sloppy. This servo on 7.4v blows away the hitec I have on my son's wraith (not a budget friendly servo either), which claims more torque on 6v then the power hd. ( but it is on 7.4v, versus 6v for the hitec). On 6v, the power hd really wasn't enough for a 2.2 rig. I really didnt expect it to last on 7.4, expected it to fry and then buy a real servo, but its still kicking. Might even get another one once the hitec goes in my kid's rig. Now I'm not suggesting everyone with the wp23kg go throw higher volts at it and expect it to last, but it has for me. Well worth the 38 price and the 13 dollar gear set. Oh and I don't avoid the water with it either, no issues there.
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