Rock Stacker
Are those the GRC hub weights? Do they fit the stock wheels fine?
No those are Fastrax weighted portal covers. They fit the standard axles but I had trouble with some aftermarket aluminum axle housings.
Are those the GRC hub weights? Do they fit the stock wheels fine?
Looks good so far. Can't wait to see if it painted.Fitted the cage to the cab and did a lot more body trimming. I think I am getting there. It's all a bit scary being my first every body shell build.......
Comments and advice warmly received.
DANG hpd, that log just about gave 'er a flat!The new details look GREAT!! Pretty slick snorkel treatment. "thumbsup" And those KC's take me back. I like what you did with them, looks legit'. It's funny how much difference a few little details will make. It's tough to tell what scale it is. ;-) Rover's lookin' GOOD!
8) jim
I've wondered this very thing myself.Does any one know why Land Rover isn't spelled Land Rova. That's the way the Brits say it, so why don't they just save a letter and spell it Rova?
Oh snap! Literally.Took the wheel off to get some moss out from behind it to find this.
Good times! Any suggestions on good replacements?
Took the wheel off to get some moss out from behind it to find this.
Good times! Any suggestions on good replacements?
Oh snap! Literally
Better the hex, than the axle stub. Had a CVD axle stub snap on my Rustler 4x4, right where the pin goes through the stub. Thankfully, Traxxas shipped me, free, a new stub (the axle was less than 2 months old).
~ More peace, love, laughter & kindness would make the world a MUCH better place
Depending on the hex on the wheels you run, I really like the ssd trx4 hexes. They have a lip that fits into the recess on their wheels and helps get rid of some slop.
PARTS FOR TRX-412mm Aluminum Hex Set for TRX-4
Otherwise, I’ve used a samix hexes on a few rigs and haven’t had any issues with those. They have brass and aluminum in various widths available for the trx4.
That little lip slides into the ring just past the hex on the hub? I think the wheels I have will fit it. They are SSD D hole
Yes, much rather have the hex snap. Now to find some funds for some before my NC trip for Christmas.
Where in NC are you headed?
If you are going to be in the Raleigh area (AKA the best part of NC), I have an extra set of stock hexes and personal tour of the best crawling spot available. "thumbsup"
This happened to mine and I find what does it is if one over tightens the pin that slides through the hex on axle ,it actually will split it in half .Yessir! Not quite sure what did it, but I know it has allot of torque. Maybe when I had it in a bind the last time out. If it wasn't for the moss I wouldn't have found it for awhile.
Yes, much rather have the hex snap. Now to find some funds for some before my NC trip for Christmas.
Thanks brother! I think I will grab some of those. I like SSD products. That little lip slides into the ring just past the hex on the hub? I think the wheels I have will fit it. They are SSD D hole. I was thinking about some brass ones, but at the same time I don't think my rig needs anymore weight.
Fitted the cage to the cab and did a lot more body trimming. I think I am getting there. It's all a bit scary being my first every body shell build.......
Comments and advice warmly received.