Installed a anti-roll bar today for testing. I love it! Never know what your going to find digging through box’s of old partsBe cool if I could figure out how to post pictures.
use to post pics
Installed a anti-roll bar today for testing. I love it! Never know what your going to find digging through box’s of old partsBe cool if I could figure out how to post pictures.
New Sport body looks great B-MOW! Nice colors and scheme, plus it looks 10 times better with clear windows! I just got my commanche body done, but I'm already thinking about doing up the Sport "Camper" body. Really liking the scale accessories Traxxas is doing like the grill and light bucket kits.
I did order the Narrow inner fenders today, so I'll be mounting those up as soon as they arrive.
Screwed around with the RTR Sport body last night. Got a bit inspired about it again after seeing B-MOW's."thumbsup"
I was going to order the Traxxas rack for it and scale it out, but I've decided to keep this one as a lean, mean runner. (Something about scaling out a body with black sticker windows just didn't sit well with me.:lmao
Anyways, I cut out the front grill area and added stainless mesh. Looks a good bit meaner imho. Then, I patched the holes in the bed where I had the cage installed before and shot it with bedliner.
All in all, she don't look to shabby. I figure I'll use this body when I'm just thrashing and looking for light weight, performance versus scale."thumbsup"
Finalized the detailing and accessorizing... now it's time to go drive it again!
Do not have any info on STRC, but the Samix brass is really nice quality. Adds a ton of weight. I believe Amain and RCmart is the only stores that carry them.
The Samix does look very nice B-MOW. Assuming the scale rotors and calipers are also a Samix option accessory?
Edit: Just checked AMAIN - Looks like all the Samix stuff is on back order right now. I'll check RC Mart, but would prefer AMAIN.
Walsh it’s been windy and colder (high 40s) but still bearable, nothing like y’all are dealing with and other folks out in the be
Midwest and east.
x2 on the samix brass. the samix I have has held up great. I have no experience with the STRC brass though. I will add that the SSD portal covers have the most weight by far, and a nice finish.
I feel you on the driver, that one is starting to bother me more but the one that usually sticks out the most to me is mirrors which sucks because it’s been a challenge to find some that will stay on the truck longer than a day on the rocks.
use to post pics