I have a question maybe Jason or one of the other people on the rules committee can answer.
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;">o – 1.9 Class body must be 2.75” minimum height on sides. No less than 9” total length and full original width, and no less than 3” in the center. All bodies should resemble its original form (Jeep bodies look like a Jeep)</td></tr></tbody></table>
Specifically the 9 inches total length. Why eliminate so many of the cool little 1/18 scale bodies out there? Is there something about that specific body length that prevents some unfair advantage over a shorter one? i know in the overall scheme of things it wouldnt really matter to most people in local clubs for weekend crawls but im just curious.
The body dimensions were chosen based on what looked about right for the tire size and wheelbase.
The following information is my opinion and not necessarily everyone on the rules committee:
2.2 class crawlers are roughly based on 1/8 scale of 1:1 rockcrawlers. Using 100" wb on a 1:1 makes the 12.5" wb 1/8 scale.
Shrinking the wb to 8.5 puts the 1.9 class at about 1/12 scale. The little tiny 18th scale bodies just don't look right.
I'll be really curious to see how the first few comps work out with this class .... After giving it some thought, I don't think the rules are setup to favor the Losi rig, in fact I think that after a few comps you'll need a custom rig and the Losi's won't be competitive at all.
With everyone building 1.9 tired, short 2.2 rigs, the Losi will not hold up to the abuse these rigs will handle. Plus there's the motor size,axles and drive shafts difference, so power output is way incompatible between the two.
I guess we'll wait and see. I'm still building up a Losi, but imagine it will be sold right after the first comp and I'll be building up something more inline with the openness of the rules ...
One question: Are the rule set for one year, or can they be changed to straighten out the intent of the class? Meaning, the class is a limited 1.9 class right now, almost anything goes. It's not a mini spec class as it might have been intended ...
What the TLT gains in strength it gives up in diff clearance so there are some pros and cons there.
The rules were not made to be a Losi MRC or spec class, rather, they were
inspired by the MRC. Like you said, the rules are pretty open to allow for different designs and platforms but for now the Losi is an easy way to get started. In the future, competition rigs may not all be based on a particular brand of rig, and that's ok.
There wasn't any official plan to put the rules on a 1 year trial, but if it turns out we screwed up and the class is going in an unintended direction, I imagine some changes could happen.
It's going to be interesting to see how the power to weight ratio in this 1.9 class plays out? The MRC's are running 280 to 370 size motors and shrunken rigs like TLT builds will have 540 to 550 size motors. A very wide variance in power there. Maybe the scaled down rigs should have to run with 370 or 380 size motors since the MRC's can't fit a 540 onboard? Maybe it's just not an issue, but I bet someone will see it as a problem. Rule 2.4.7
Your point is valid, but given the short amount of experience anyone has running a mini crawler with a 370 or smaller motor it's tough to say what's best. Tons of power is not always the end all of a competition rig, a good high performance small motor may be all that's needed, even with TLT axles. It's hard to tell the future. The 540 motor comes with a weight penalty that may be a factor as well. We'll just have to see.
Great comments and questions. 8)