Your 2.2 TLT Axled Wraith would be in the 2.2 class if it has 2.2 tires 

My 7950 is fine. 7955 is shot. I got a Savox to replace it. I'm running into esc/motor issues. Stupid brushed motors.
What issues are you having with a brushed motor?
Maybe we can make one good one between parts from both...
Is it the brushes? What brushed motors you using? Mine last a real long time... I don't think I've ever had to replace one because of failure. I know if you do much in mud and water they will wear quickly.
I have a screw you can have. Wow, that just sounds wrong...:lmao: I still need to track down a screw to hold the horn on...
Wow, that just sounds wrong...
Both of my rigs are completely ready! (They're on the same radio though)
Will we be limited to running one rig? I mean, will we be able to drive both rigs or will it be a one-rig event?