Our dog got bit by a copper head snake last night. He's going to survive, but he looks and feels terrible. I'm surprised he got up to see what I was doing:

Back to the car & these amazing rear wheels:

Sent from the Lab @ da C.I. Compound
WOW, that crazy, I hope he feals better soon. I'm sure he's not him self yet and will probably take a little time to do so.
The rig looks fantastic, when did you get the alloy front axle housing? I must have missed before unless its a new addition. Wheels look GREAT."thumbsup"
Thank you.
Do you have any suggestions for cameras? Both my gopro cameras died and I'm looking for something different to replace them.
Sent from the Lab @ da C.I. Compound
Are you looking for on board camera or a hand held video camera?
Ouch!! Hope it can all be fixed ok.
What wheels are those? I'm looking for something to replace the plastic ones I have.
Damn Eddie, what the hell did you run into.:shock: