How about instead of rewarding poor choices in life by paying off student debt, they get a tiny bit logical with the situation.
Just say John/Jane Doe leave the eduction system with a $50k debt.
Since their departure, the debt has considerably increased itself due to interest, fines, debt swap/sales etc... and it could potentially now be $80k, $100k or even tripled at $150k.
Perhaps the government instead of making all of us hard working citizens pay for others short-comings and poor decisions, perhaps they put a little effort and thought into things.
Maybe, just maybe.... pick a universal start date ... say June 1st 2021 and ALL student loans are set back to original debt at date the individual left the educational system.
Taking the above John/Jane Doe’s debt back to its original $50k
Now with that rollback the individuals in debt now MUST begin a minimum monthly payment of a certain percentage of their weekly income, NO exceptions, no excuses, no attempts to piss & moan how unfair it is they now have to start giving over 10% or any % of their income over to their debt owed.
In turn, there is ZERO grace periods or extensions given for any circumstances. They begin paying at the universal percentage of their income on their locked in original debt and continue paying each month until debt is dissolved.
If their income goes up during that time, their payments in turn go up.
If their income goes down below the start amount on June 1st, 2021, then they are still responsible to meet that same payment... (full incentive to remain gainfully employed).
If they fall behind in payments more then 30 days, then their debt amount instantly returns to the original full amount previous to the June st, 2021 debt forgiveness set-back.
This would surely keep the individuals with common sense and gratitude for what they’ve been gifted very strong incentive to pay their bills they signed on the dotted line and agreed to!!
With all this, there should be a higher percentage payback rate for individuals that have chosen to “ride the system” and be “career students” with never attempting to put their degrees to use in a regular daily job and instead continue to ride the welfare bus through school year after year, consuming grant after grant that would normally be available to upcoming students who genuinely want to learn, get a degree and get to work.
Set things back to original debt
Put strict guidelines on repayment schedule
Set them right back to FULL DEBT if they choose to not stick with the program gifted to them.
But full 100% debt forgiveness?????
No freeking way! If 100% debt forgiveness is done, the person should have their skin permanently dyed BLUE so everyone can know who they are dealing with in life