Turkey day came and left and well JimBob put on some weight

Lots of Beef though not much Turkey.
It started with the Beeftubes on
Post #87
Then I picked up the
Beeftubes XXL Meat sticks
It comes with some fatty lower links and delrin uppers, I was unsure whether I'd use the uppers but in the rear at least you need to because of the bent lowers. It my first time trying "high clearance" links and they seem really useful, not sure why I never tried them before.
I swapped links mainly because I discovered how little the stock rod ends hold threads (.1mm of grab).
I noticed the Element RC has Factory team high clearance links too, just get some better rod ends if you go that route.
Because the bent rear links leave the driveshaft and pinion exposed I extend the rear upper links with some TRX4 rod ends on both ends of each upper link. These rod ends are 3.5mm longer, I stopped at the end of the threads and rod, you can go farther.
This tilted the pinion and driveshaft up out of the way. It looks a bit extreme but its not too far off what a CVD should be. CVD joints prefer pointing at the other end where universals like equal and opposite angles though with RC it matters far less than in the real world.
This angle on the diff left a very square edge on the diff cover as the first thing to drag, out with the file again. I'd rather file it down myself then wait on the rocks to do it.
I also got a set of SSD's Brass lower link mounts to replace my cracked one.
As I mentioned earlier I'm trying to avoid throwing the brass knuckles on and I think I've gotten to a point I dont need them. This does leave me hoping that someone will make aluminum knuckles though, We have the C-hubs so Halfway there.
I tested out a set of the JConcepts Landmines and they did awesome with old JimBob. I switched back to the MTR's to compare and the Landmines have just a bit more grip on the rocks. Both sets are running pretty soft foams.
The balance feels much improved, It was already good but I always want to go a bit steeper. Its able to better keep the nose down on steeper climbs and its not so porky that it has to bash its way up some harder lines like my portly TRX4 :mrgreen:.
I'm really happy with JimBob right now "thumbsup"
The only thing I'm thinking after trying them is another set of Landmines so Jimbob can keep them, they felt pretty awesome.
I've had some similar issues with the stock rod ends. I'm going to buy a pack of them and try boiling for a few minutes before installing them. But I think the best solution would be links with heavier (deeper) threading.
I have a feeling the issue is the inner diameter of the stock rod ends. The only way to get more bite is with a different rod end. Really the TRX4 rods were a great match, the do have a smaller ID which is good and they're very close in length so shouldn't need too much fiddling around with the lengths.