So how about this.
How does one write the rules so they can not be percieved?
Answer: make them laws
You can only run this, you can only run that, you can modify this and this is the limits.
If any truck runs out of those quals, they are eliminated.
There has to be a way to deem verbage as meaning this only and no exception.
Doesnt NASCAR do that? The have exact definitions and an approved list of materials and products.
You simply can not go astray of that list?
Look at it this way.
If everyone ran a stock XR10 in a class.
Thats it. No room for error.
Battery/motor/and reciever is your only change to compete with.
So how do you cap a modified class? Change the structure, your disqualified!
Make those rules so they stick, this way you better think good and hard if you want to gamble with a
Foriegn design. Becsuse youll make a trip down "thanks for coming lane"
This is exactly why I dislike Jake from CKRC.
He cheated, he knew it, and tried to make people swallow it.
In return it brought out the worst in people.
there is perceptions/dicagreement is what our nations laws are.
judges who "know" the law often have "thier" desission overtured by higher courts.
Our nations own suprem courts justices have different "opinions/perception"
of our constitution.
You can not remove personal perception from anything....there is 360* in a circle, which meansn people will be reading/perciving the rules from many....many....angles...
We all know its hard, and impossible for the rules comitee to forsee all the different views that may come up in the futur.....
They dont have a crystal ball with them when making teh rules.
when I situalltion like this comes up.....the reps should consullt thier states laeaders ( our state rep wil start a poll for leaders on such topics )
then the comitee should listen to the reps ( without attempting to sway them in a position in opostion if their state )
and then vote on it.
populare vote wins
if bc truck is deemed rule change is needed
if its deemed illegal, then the rules will have to be clarified
its prety simple really, but it wont happen overnight
I think the publics inability to WAIT ( even me

) is a reason for alot of drama
look, fish needs time to restrucure his commitee
the commitee needs time to consult its region
its not gonna happen over night