Look at what your saying and think about why things are the way they are.
It doesnt take a genius to figure out that part of the problems are the ones who dont run the rules and speak out.
NFL: teams across the NFL are playing the same rules in all their states so there are one set of rules that apply to all teams nationally.
In the end several victors are choosen to compete against eachother until there is one victor. These events are covered year long and funded primarily by sponsors and an audience base.
And because of the long term stability, it has grown.
USRCCA: groups of people across the USRCCA are competing whatever rules they want to run in their own organization and not enforcing them or electing a cabinet member to speak for them on behalf of the national rules that they dont run. Then complain about why they dont run the rules, compain about not having a proper represanative or not knowing who it is, then elect victors who ran all year on thier own rules without being teched properly, only to bitch about why the rules are not simpler to allow them to be more fun on one rnd- and why the rules are not enforced strongly to keep cheating down on the other end.
Meanwhile everyone else who sponsors or funds these events are saying. Pffft, screw this!
You want the rules to work?
You want to have more psrtisipation?
You want more Sponsor partisipation?
You want less problems at a national level?
1. Split the US into zones
2. Elect one member of your club to represent your club as president and elect one vice president.
3. Presidents vote for 2 represanatives to be the voice in thier zone
4. A president, a comptroller, and a treasurer are elected to run USRCCA
5. Work on rules
6. Represanatives can Discuss rules in each forum of that zone with members
7. Rules are voted on
8. EVERY club runs the rules and is teched properly
So respecably a driver can be awarded champion of that club to go to nationals
Now you have stability, rules that are governed, and reps that express concerns
And guess what follows next girls?
Thats right, partisipation from Sponsors to fund your events because there is stability and growth. More members wanting to get involved because there is stability and growth.
Who the fawk wants to support mayhem and at this point if that is all your breeding!
You have the blueprints in front of you, how you respect the players involved is your choice.
But do not confuse Fun Crawls vs. Competition Crawls
You want to have GTGs then do it and enjoy doing it.
You want to have Competitions, then get you shit together and start thinking of the big picture. The end result, the longevity of the sport, introducing new drivers into the sport.
Since the begining of man, structure and a governing set of laws creates growth in a civilizations
Chaos breeds hate and destruction, including when there is no sense of rule or control.
You can choose now how this plays out before its too late.