No matter if its USRCCA or SORRCA.
There are things among both of the rules groups that both are forgetting.
And again, this is just my opinion, but it does matter in the end if you think about it.
Not one of these Rules groups are worth a crap without sponsorship backing.
Neither of these rules groups embrace that, and get upset when a big vendor no longer wants to be apart of a sanctioned event.
You all have the right to make rules to fit the mases and build rules as you see fit. but once you destroy what drives your events, there is nothing left but go back to the stone age building trucks with spare parts and running individusl events talking about the good ole days.
Neither one of these rules groups can exist without their members. Yet when it come to the members opinions. it becomes a deleted thread, a locked fown thread, or the committee members who want to discuss it are shunned for bringing it up. Who is going to follow a set of rules if the only side that determines the rules doesnt care about the members that are to support them?
We are ALL wanting rules to live by with stability.
And people may not get along discussing the rules. But its part of the process and no one should be removed from an elected position because thier opinion is not the same as someone elses.
Stability will give you members strong and support strong! Simple as that!
BTW, manufacturers should build around your rules not the other way around.
But in the same respect, the rules should have structure that lasts longer that 6 months.
What company if going to invest thousands on a product design that is inferior in 6 months? I wouldnt!
I know what you guys are going through.
Split up your clubs into 4/5 regions and have your clubs elect 2 represanatives to represent them.
Have a chairman, a comptroller, and a director. All 4 year term positions
And elect dates for rules to be written and completed.
This way EVERYONE knows thier elected officials and knows the dates of the seasons. And drivers can build accordingly and manufacturers can create accordingly.
I feel that it's hard to speak out in these matters without people over reacting.
RCC is a machine, and in a second any topic can explode in drama and unneccesary BS.
I for one had no idea who our rules committee members are.
I also think having a locked thread stating who and why these people are on the committee would help save some drama.
I don't think the public needs to know everything that goes on behind closed doors is necessary(like letting all your employees aware of what the others make), but some larger topics that may be being discussed would'nt hurt to let the world know about it(maybe a locked thread with a poll to keep the drama to a minimum?)
I believe people freak out simply due to being in the dark of what's really going on.
From what I've heard over the last year, there seems to be a quiet concensus that the rules committee is becoming corrupt and abusing its powers.
We as a community need to work harder to understand what and why each of us do, think, and say what we do.
I can't imagine running or being a committee member is easy. I also think a lot of people don't see it that way.
IMO just a Little more access to who these members are would help these situations a lot.
Hopefully this comes across how I intended it to?(I'm not attacking anyone or any ideas, just simply offering a possible outside outlook on how I manage my department at work.)
"Communication is key!!""thumbsup"