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Been around since 2012. Haven't been on much in a while. My RC crawling buddy died a few years back and haven't touched a crawler again until now. Starting to make a course in my carport.

I used PB for a while and stopped completely when they pulled their stunt. Using imgur now.
Really sorry to hear that, @Deerhurst . Had a falling out with my main crawling bud a couple years ago. Diminished my enthusiasm but I've forged on with the hobby... still therapeutic. Sorry again.
Really sorry to hear that, @Deerhurst . Had a falling out with my main crawling bud a couple years ago. Diminished my enthusiasm but I've forged on with the hobby... still therapeutic. Sorry again.
He was the only person I knew that loved RC crawlers as much as I do. Nobody to crawl with as much as I want to crawl. The local group turn into high school cheerleader drama so we split off and just did our own thing. I now have 5 crawlers! My Hilift, an Ascender with a 3D printed body, an old WPL C-14 and just got a pair of SCX24s for the wife and I to try to suck her into the hobby! Ive had the SCX24 for a week and the resin printer is making a prototype body right already!

Good people make the hobby so much more enjoyable.
@Deerhurst - Very true about the good folks. My bud was as passionate as I was... not just about hitting the trails and rocks but with wrenching and all that. He and I would trouble shoot and innovate and offer relative input whenever either of us hit a wall with a mod, upgrade, fabrication, etc. Shared the interest of full-size Jeep trailing/ crawling also. He was a good dude with good ideas and solutions. My wife?... not at all the same lol. We've been out before but when I run RC's I wanna get dirty if necessary. I don't mind the spider webs and mud but she's ready to call it quits if she encounters any of that. I love her dearly but it's not at all the same cause she's just not my best bud. Hell... he knows things about me that my wife will never know lol.

Like you, I've gone out trailing with a few other people. They liked it okay but none have been very enthusiastic.
@Deerhurst - Very true about the good folks. My bud was as passionate as I was... not just about hitting the trails and rocks but with wrenching and all that. He and I would trouble shoot and innovate and offer relative input whenever either of us hit a wall with a mod, upgrade, fabrication, etc. Shared the interest of full-size Jeep trailing/ crawling also. He was a good dude with good ideas and solutions. My wife?... not at all the same lol. We've been out before but when I run RC's I wanna get dirty if necessary. I don't mind the spider webs and mud but she's ready to call it quits if she encounters any of that. I love her dearly but it's not at all the same cause she's just not my best bud. Hell... he knows things about me that my wife will never know lol.

Like you, I've gone out trailing with a few other people. They liked it okay but none have been very enthusiastic.
My buddy was a coworker and fellow mech, electrical, hardware engineer, machinist and wrote most of the code for microcontrollers we used. Absolutely brilliant dude. We used to go wheel our pickups too. The really sad part is he was just starting to get his life together, getting the house paid off, getting his debt gone, first new vehicle in his life, could actually afford to do things he enjoyed.

My wife enjoyed the little SCX24. We are currently fostering a couple puppies and one was terrified while the other was trying to challenge the crawler and act like he wasn't scared. She played with him with the crawler for at least an hour in the living room. She also enjoyed the tiny start to a crawler course I put together last night. Really looking forward to decent weather so we can go down to the rocks by the river. My buddy and I used to spend hours crawling down there then grab a spare truck when the first went dead!

I'll probably try the local group again as it's been a few years.
Been lurking in here since Oct 2009. Had a few half finished builds, which are still on the bench. I joined here shortly after being on RCJeeps for a time. I was quite sad to see that site go... and then PB took a crap on everybody. My wife had 2 strokes a couple years ago and now takes most of my spare time to care for her, but I do find the time to check in here from time to time. Still looking to continue my builds, but they're just to look at right now.
done crawling 1/10 for now. was going to run some local comps but between no interest in wercrock rules and local drama, i decided to race monster trucks instead. good people there. when dlux fab releases portal berg axles removing a cluster for 380 ish outrunners, ill probably dive back in and travel for wrcca comps again.
My buddy was a coworker and fellow mech, electrical, hardware engineer, machinist and wrote most of the code for microcontrollers we used. Absolutely brilliant dude. We used to go wheel our pickups too. The really sad part is he was just starting to get his life together, getting the house paid off, getting his debt gone, first new vehicle in his life, could actually afford to do things he enjoyed.

My wife enjoyed the little SCX24. We are currently fostering a couple puppies and one was terrified while the other was trying to challenge the crawler and act like he wasn't scared. She played with him with the crawler for at least an hour in the living room. She also enjoyed the tiny start to a crawler course I put together last night. Really looking forward to decent weather so we can go down to the rocks by the river. My buddy and I used to spend hours crawling down there then grab a spare truck when the first went dead!

I'll probably try the local group again as it's been a few years.
Sorry to hear about your friend! I can definitely see how losing a friend with the passion would put a damper on things. I hope you can regain that passion again somehow.

Been lurking in here since Oct 2009. Had a few half finished builds, which are still on the bench. I joined here shortly after being on RCJeeps for a time. I was quite sad to see that site go... and then PB took a crap on everybody. My wife had 2 strokes a couple years ago and now takes most of my spare time to care for her, but I do find the time to check in here from time to time. Still looking to continue my builds, but they're just to look at right now.
I'm really sorry to hear about your wife! You are a great man for taking care of your wife and staying by her side in sickness like you should. I have so much respect for you for doing this. You are a true man! I wish you and your wife the best of luck!
I've been here since '10, but after moving to Oklahoma I didn't find much interest out here.
Lurk abit now and then but after Eric, Krawl Freak and Jeremy H left it seemed to get uninteresting.
Thanks to everyone who supported CBRB Fab all those years.
I have fooled around with NPDR and Helicopters lately.
I've been here since '10, but after moving to Oklahoma I didn't find much interest out here.
Lurk abit now and then but after Eric, Krawl Freak and Jeremy H left it seemed to get uninteresting.
Thanks to everyone who supported CBRB Fab all those years.
I have fooled around with NPDR and Helicopters lately.
Where in OK?

There are a few OK based groups on FB. Also, there is a new hobby shop in Del City called Triple Crown Hobbies. He has an indoor crawler course and holds comps and some drift stuff. I hope it works out for him. The other hobby shops in the OKC area all went out of business except for the Hobbytowns.
I've been here since '10, but after moving to Oklahoma I didn't find much interest out here.
Lurk abit now and then but after Eric, Krawl Freak and Jeremy H left it seemed to get uninteresting.
Thanks to everyone who supported CBRB Fab all those years.
I have fooled around with NPDR and Helicopters lately.
What's NPDR?
Yep.... still around........

IG page is same user name, also have 3 FB pages.... norcalrcrc, norcalrcrc scale... and one i caught a lot shit for... Axialfest west the good, the bad the ugly....lmao
I've been here since '10, but after moving to Oklahoma I didn't find much interest out here.
Lurk abit now and then but after Eric, Krawl Freak and Jeremy H left it seemed to get uninteresting.
Thanks to everyone who supported CBRB Fab all those years.
I have fooled around with NPDR and Helicopters lately.
Creeperbob ti axles FTW.... thank you