Winch down or suck down winch is what I hear them called most often.
I put one on a rig a few years ago, I just took the guts out of an RC4WD winch and 3D printed a mount in a crossmember.
pics in post 1 here:
From my giant pile of spare parts I've been assembling an unholy abomination that I've coined the Venduro (X4.2)
HPI Venture chassis rails, Element Enduro Axles and links, Axial SCX10.2 skid and kit tranny, TRX4 shocks with Enduro springs, Junfac drive shafts (front is too short but working)
I ordered up UCFab's Enduro servo on axle mount to make the steering simple, plus I dont have any servo on axle setups on 1.9"s so this will be a nice change.
I had to drill new holes for the skid (I 3D printed a jig)
The SCX10.2 tranny is mounted...
$10 gets you a winch motor/gearbox replacement, then all you need is a spool, a bearing and some line.
(out of stock everywhere it seems)
RC4WD Replacement Motor/Gearbox for 1/10 Warn 9.5cti Winch
Its pretty useful although the rig I have it on is already super low so on something with longer travel it should be much more useful.