That said, might have my wife use her cricut machine to cut up some HEARTBEAT OF AMERICA stickers for the back window. Err... That is... When I get some lexan sheet to MAKE a back window...
Its a chebby?
*Ok the suspense is killing us both. I have an exact saw blade, is that acceptable to cut the bed off?
Its a chebby?
*Ok the suspense is killing us both. I have an exact saw blade, is that acceptable to cut the bed off?
About the TRUCK.......
I had to look that up...pretty neat! Must just be an artsy craftsy hobby gala at your house!
Yeah she has a hobby table on the opposite side of the garage and she would be out there too if it wasnt over 100. She uses my old bench in the meantime. The kitchen table lol
So... I did a thing...
Casey they exacto saw worked GREAT!!! I found a whole pack of them in one of my hobby toolboxes. They flex a little but if you just saw with "scale" motion its good hahaha
Badabing! Test fit numero dos!
Ernie if you are seeing this, are you sure you didnt make those sliders for a Chevy?!?! Haha they fit great!
And I have a fancy idea for mounts too "thumbsup"
I think I can fit a piece of paper between the motor and firewall...
And this is just a good excuse to use my jack stands
I never noticed the awesome things happening on the smooth side of 3M sandpaper?!?!
Racial harmony and the coolest monkey I have ever seen.