whoa... those look huge. this one is going to have to stick with the current wheel/tire combo for clearance reasons. the wheels perfectly clear Ernie's rear panhard bar setup. and the 4.19 hyrax just barely clear the fenders on the current 79 ford cab. and those are pretty generous openings, not sure how this will go when i put the blazer cab on there. we don't want to lose too much fender, trying to keep the square body square lol
he's a funny kid though, like i mentioned earlier when i put the mud thrashers on my ford he was like "hey your tires are bigger than mine now." like i was cheating or something and he wanted equal size. i held up the 3.65 mudders next to his 4.19 hyrax and he just goes "oh" lol
I've been going crazy trying to find mirrors for the blazer... the RC4WD mirrors are ENORMOUS and look way off scale. i remember somebody putting something else on there but i don't remember what. (***ok think i found them axial exterior parts tree AX80038 )
I've been scouring shapeways for what feels like days now and... nothing. (but seeing some really cool scale stuff!!! gonna have to nab a CB from leafspringmafia...

then i need some lexan for the cab wall. that mod19 on shapeways is awesome but FIFTY BUCKS?! nope.
oh and i have a plan C for a rear cage too. but we'll see if i don't need to CROSS that path...