I wanna be Dave
How is the rubber compound of the tyres? Super stiff or suitable for a crawler?
The tire compound is pretty soft, my guess is r35 axial compound. Way to soft for a basher, and really need firmer foams.
How is the rubber compound of the tyres? Super stiff or suitable for a crawler?
The tire compound is pretty soft, my guess is r35 axial compound. Way to soft for a basher, and really need firmer foams.
My RYFT lives again!
Just installed it all back in the truck and the Puller Pro R pisses all over the 1415 for smoothness and raw power! The truck absolutely rips now
Thanks...tho, at the same time, the RCDriver vid explained everything. Now, of y'all will excuse me, I have to go 'upset' my bank account (and piss off the wife, of she finds out). Hey, Horizon Hobby...I'm headed your way..........All is explained here:
Axial Racing - RBX10 Ryft 1/10th 4wd KIT Grey
"spool/locker, rear aluminum link plates, rear sway bar, and parts for a 2-speed or single-speed transmission setup"
I was in the same "boat" as you where the RTR is concerned...plus, I also (greatly) enjoy building kits. Since HH bought Axial, from all I've read, things have improved considerably. The first HH-produced Axial was the Capra...and, while there were (initially) numerous errors in the build manual, the kit was outstanding (especially considering many of the parts were produced in the Losi/TLR factory, using the Losi plastic. This was also my first crawler. The second post-acquisition product - SCX10 III - from all I've read, has been an even bigger improvement, and a huge success.I'm torn on this one. Never considered the RTR, but the kit is another story - the build experience goes a long way imo and the white chassis looks great. Greg V almost sold me on it today.
I'm not sure how I feel about another Axial "basher" though. The Yeti Score handled like a raging dumpster fire, and the Exo had all kinds of quirky handling issues. Neither one was particularly robust either (though I never broke a front axle...I hear that the kit has upgraded plastic in the front for what its worth)
I see this as almost a Wraith 2.0... Yes? No? Kinda seems like it fulfills the mission the Wraith was designed for - maybe a bit more bouncer and a bit less crawler.
Just curious (as I'm sure at least several are)...as the kit also included the 2-speed conversion upgrade, which ('high' or 'low') is equal to the RTR's stock trans? I've checked the Axial & HH product pages, and neither indicates. People will need this info to help select a motor.
~ More peace, love, and kindness would make the world a much better place
Good to know...thanks. That means poorly can go with a higher kV motor. Now, to to decide whether to set it up for 3S or 4S, and how 'high' the Kv ceiling should be. For ESC, I'm considering the Castle Copperhead.High is what the RTR is locked to.
The Hoss motor and ESC are a blast on 2S. Barely any cogging, no squealing and you can run it through water all day no problems. It was insanely fast on 3S before it quickly blew out the servo saver, the rear trailing arms are bending so bad they are ready to snap and now the rear diff is clicking. I hated the stock motor/ESC and spent way too much time trying to find a better solution.
I am at the point where I think its time to go a new direction. I bought my 10yo son a Arrma Typhon 3S and with a old 2S battery he drove circles around my Ryft like I was blindfolded. The Ryft looks awesome but its handling is the absolute worst of the worst. I ordered the Axial 2 speed conversion its in stock now, I give up on this being a basher and going to make it a rock crawler, it has tons of potential for that vs bashing.
For any of you who are considering buying the RTR...... DONT!!!! Wait for the kit which will be out soon and put better electronics in it.
The 1415 is what I would run. I have one in my son's wraith running 4s. Our wraiths are basically built like the ryfts. But the 1415 is a long can. Not a 540. It measures 3670. Someone did install another brand 3670, so it does fit.Initially, I was thinking of going with a 550 can motor. However, now I'm thinking a 540 might be a better choice. Any opinions? If I'm to go with a 550, I already have a few possibilities. On the other hand, if I'm to go with a 540, there are only 2 motors I'm considering - Castle 1415-2400 or Team Brood Vigor 540-2600. Between these two, any opinions? ESC will either be Castle Copperhead 10 (preferred option) or Mamba X.
~ More peace, love, and kindness would make the world a much better place
The 1415 is what I would run. I have one in my son's wraith running 4s. Our wraiths are basically built like the ryfts. But the 1415 is a long can. Not a 540. It measures 3670. Someone did install another brand 3670, so it does fit.
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