Curb Crawler
Rock Crawler
2 speed is on the way, it’s locked into high out of the box, so no reason why it can’t be locked into low if you didnt want 2 speed
Are there any gearing options that fit this platform, or are they unique to the Ryft?
I'm not ready to let go of the crawler idea. I think if the gearing can get sorted, the rest can be worked out.
Waiting for news on when the kit to be released.
2 speed is on the way, it’s locked into high out of the box, so no reason why it can’t be locked into low if you didnt want 2 speed
The gearing is holding it back from being a good crawler. Horizon said the two speed conversion and the Axial sway bars should be in this month. As soon as the kit is out I plan to do the same thing I think it has excellent potential as a crawler.
The Ryft is a blast to drive. Haven't had any problems so far but the motor squealing and cogging had to go. The Tekin T8i 2700kv fits perfect with the stock pinion. Its an 8th scale motor so this should be fun.
Looking forward to seeing what can be done.
Stout bit of kit, that antirollbar. Might order it meself. Funny. I use the same 3s ‘basher’ battery. It’s nice and flat, and flatter than a 5000mah Traxxas battery. I néed that space, because I got a 5w speaker sitting on top. I love me some sound of a v8 with it. ( turnigy sound system has some exellent v8 sounds) Cheesy as some might find it..8)
Am now fiddling with the 4-in1 faux exhausts of the Losi LMT. Trying to find a way to get those to fit.