Going to be a little late leaving the house now
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Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2
Its time.....
Gonna do a complete tear down. Have a nice shipment from RPP and a couple others on their way and I wanna be as ready as possible. This is gonna be the biggest overhaul this rig has seen yet. Ive done my homework and I think im ready to build my trail rig the way I want it. Got some fab work along with some nice custom part upgrades from some of the most talented fabricators around. Ive hit up a couple venders on here about some scale accessories as well. Hey Bo whats up with a Pull Pal? I planned on making my own but I think it would be cool if I had some custom fab work from some members from our chapter hooked to my rig. Anyhow enough chit chat. I got shit to do. :beer::thumbup:
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Yeah I don't even know what hellclimb is but sounds fun
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