I wanna be Dave
I'm gonna have to get one of these soon.
That's what I like to hear "thumbsup"
Send me a PM when you are ready.
I'm gonna have to get one of these soon.
Ok, I got a newb question about the winch controller.
I have a FS-GT3B that's hacked with 3 channel firmware on it currently. Anyway, I can put the 6 channel on it since I plan to run 4ws and winch.
With the 3 position controller I'm guessing it works as follows:
Neutral - channel is centered in neutral and it doesn't move (basically motor is in braking mode)
Forward - spools winch out
Reverse - reels winch back in
Is that basically it? So, all I need to do is program the thumb switch which is basically a 2 button switch to do the following:
click forward - unspool winch
click backward once - move back to neutral/brake on the radio so the winch stops
click backwards again - starts to spool in winch
click forward once - stops winch in neutral/brake again
I'll check out the GT3B thread and play with my programming. If I understand it correctly though, I can just hook up a spare servo and program it so it's pointing in one direction, centered, and pointing the other direction depending on how I click the buttons on the radio.
Am I understanding this correctly?