So has anyone else's wheels been a total pain in the ass to mount?
I first tried my set of Ironsides because Pitbull tires for Pitbull wheels but it was a no go. Then I tried stretching a set of 1.55 Rock Beasts but that wasn't happening so I tried a set of RC4WD MT-Rs and the same issue. Every tire I tried ended up with the exact same problem: the tire bead gets pushed out between the beadlock ring and the wheel which keeps the rear ring from completely tightening.
Now I have mounted dozens of wheels and tires so its not just incompetence at play, there must be something going on here. The more I looked at the wheel, the more I thought the bead seat area looked off. A few measurements showed this:
Bead seat area
Bead thickness of PB Ironsides
The wheels are trying to shove a 2.34 mm bead into a 1.97 mm space which obviously doesn't work, that extra rubber needs room so it presses under the beadlock ring. The other tires I tried must have similar bead thicknesses since they behaved the exact same way when attempting to mount.
Since this works for other wheels, I tried installing the inner ring from my Vanquish wheels as they are pretty close in size.
They fit on no problem and give the wheels a much larger area for the tire bead.
Once the Vanquish rings were installed, the tires mounted super easy and perfectly straight in a single attempt. The tires are mounted nice and tight as well, yanking on them as hard as I could didn't budge them.
So Pitbull, the question to you, are my wheels out of spec or is this how they all are? Since these are relatively new, please consider widening the bead seat by .5 mm as this would make the wheels 1000 times easier to mount.