I wanna be Dave
I took a closer look today, couldn’t get a good photo but while they clear the portal the clearance on the top of the ssd cover is much tighter, where the circular part starts to raise for the upper portal gear. The wheels still spin freely but it’s close.
Good pic - thanks! Just barely! But hey, that's still clearing the portal "thumbsup" Is that a Bronco or Defender/Tactical/kit? Bronco's have a longer stub axle than the others that might not fit under the center cap without enough offset. Center cap is part of the wheel itself, correct?
You might have to look into a set of these wheels? But you won a set...Or did you mean the brass portal covers?
Didn't even know there was a giveaway involved, Saw the poll pop up, looked at the pretty pics, didn't read a thing, did the poll (silver please), posted some tire pics like everyone else, and went on my way. Just clued in a few days ago. However, I thought it was no star, no giveaways...so being a non-supporting member, I graciously declined. At least that how it used it be - reading through here though, I'm apparently way behind the times. Guess that's out the window. No matter though, it's all good. "thumbsup" If it hasn't been said enough, INCREDIBLY generous offer from Pitbull....never seen anything like it, even over the old holiday contests. You guys rock! Congrats to all the winners!
BTW I run SSD's on both of my TRX's. Which you would know if you dusted off that transmitter once in a while.

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