Jlane, I love your build, do you have any more pics and do you have a run down on what all you have done on your build?
bbolden516 all I have done was the hyrax tires, made my own links and added a little bend to them. I did have weight in the wheels about 2oz but I felt like it was to much strain on the motors, even though it handled great! I did the spring mod on the shocks but I cut it in half, the full spring mod seem to have to much drop, and then I cut the body down. I have to give props as you are the one that gave me some ideas. I also moved the wires up to get them out of the way. Almost forgot I upgraded the servos(Amazon special) Now I have picked up some Berg v1 axles and a UGC Viper II chassis and I’m building one from the ground up.

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