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30 days and 30 posts is nothing and they give you an out where you can pay to play... I'm a member in scale4x4 and its 1 year and 300 posts over there. I made the mistake of getting involved in a thread that asked some questions about the policy and some older members came out swinging because we dared to question the rules. No one was really even bitching about it either.some comments on this thread were way worse and noone here really jumped on anyone to bad for it. I felt really unwelcome at the other forum and I was a member for almost a year.
30 posts and 30 days....

Hey guys, I have 30 posts and have been a member for over 30 days. Im a member of Scal Trail Runners.com and would like to get to the classsfieds. What's the hold up? Anyone tell me what is going on?
Hey guys, I have 30 posts and have been a member for over 30 days. Im a member of Scal Trail Runners.com and would like to get to the classsfieds. What's the hold up? Anyone tell me what is going on?

It doesn't happen instantaneously. You also have to have 30 meaningful posts, not just compliments on others builds. I suspect your post count will get a bit of pruning. ;-)
well i just now found this thread and have looked in a hundred places on here and obviously haven't found the right post until now. Well me being on a budget and not knowing anything about rc crawling and only knowing full scale crawling I was smart enough to look around and get an idea on what i want and need. of course those two were completely opposite of what i started off thinking. Thanks to forum members i was lead here. Now back to the budget part. Alot of members told me to check out the classified section and that there are alot a great deals on there that would allow me to stay within budget. But I can't see them yet. So I guess i will wait or go buy new. i don't want to wait 30 days and 30 post. thats the only problem i have with this site so far. but it is minor i guess.
buy a star then, you will be able to access the classifieds, and it also sounds like you already got your $20 worth of the site.
My first post on the way to the Holy Grail! Only 29/29 left! 8)

In all seriousness, I appreciate RCC. I am a researcher/reader, and I find the info I need through searches. I'll give it the 30 days to see if I can come up with enough useful posts, even though I am not the posting type.
It sux to read through a thread's multiple pages, and find the same question, sometimes worded different, sometimes exactly the same, asked over and over... READ! don't just post and wait for your own personal answer.... I haven't had a question that wasn't already answered somewhere. Thanks RCC!! "thumbsup"
My first post on the way to the Holy Grail! Only 29/29 left! 8)

In all seriousness, I appreciate RCC. I am a researcher/reader, and I find the info I need through searches. I'll give it the 30 days to see if I can come up with enough useful posts, even though I am not the posting type.
It sux to read through a thread's multiple pages, and find the same question, sometimes worded different, sometimes exactly the same, asked over and over... READ! don't just post and wait for your own personal answer.... I haven't had a question that wasn't already answered somewhere. Thanks RCC!! "thumbsup"

If every new member to the forum had this much insight, a lot of the threads would go soooooo much smoother.

Hmmmm... Wondering if what you so wisely wrote is too big for a "signature line".....

Hmmmm... Wondering if what you so wisely wrote is too big for a "signature line".....
I assume your referring to the Holy Grail part...:lol:

Not having a star...YET, my sig is limited, hopefully this works for now, and not sound like too much of a :twisted:
i let mine expire when i took a break from the hobby to persue my interest in precission rifle shooting... and havnt got back around to that point of being start holder again :p
You know I didn't even know there was a classified section I couldn't find until I started seeing all these threads about the classifieds. I'm hoping I'll eventually get 30 posts.
Hello everybody! I,m newbie in crawler world. But really got interested when i see some crawler mean machine out there. This is really a combination of pleasure, technical and art. Before this, i play rc touring, but it got me thinking about huge budget spending when it came to competition. And there is no art in touring, only speed pursuit. So i was wondering about this crawler, axial type. How is your review about this type? Tq
Ok, so I bought a Star, I even bought a Wreckloose roller. But for some reason I can't sell. I submitted the post four days ago, does it take that long to be reviewed and then posted?
Ok, so I bought a Star, I even bought a Wreckloose roller. But for some reason I can't sell. I submitted the post four days ago, does it take that long to be reviewed and then posted?

If it was approved it should have been up quicker than 4 days...if you see ads that have been posted after yours, there is a good chance you did something wrong and it was rejected. Make sure you read and follow the rules for the classified section.