That sucks
@ferp420 . I got screwed bad back in the photobucket bs. Hope you can possibly get it sorted, at least to restore existing threads, but based on past experience i don't have high expectations.
Wrx, I only use the mobile app and add the [<img] tags when I post
Hmm, ok, I was going to try my phone and when I checked Imgur with it after an upload, I can't even find anyplace to click to get any kind of link at all. On my chrombook I just am taking the "embed" link.... its all that's offered anymore. idk. I give up. Kinda silly too I spent years REJECTING annoying image sites and finally go for it since imgur is free after all.... and in less than a month i've already lost the ability to figure out how to host a pic. no surprise. not my cup of tea really.... but i'll keep posting and linking them.
If anyone cares all that much I guess just click it.... so here's the finished GOLIATH KNUCKLES project.... well, 4 finished knuckles anyways, haven't installed them yet.
They don't look like much and they look REAL rough around the edges, lol literally --- but boy let me tell you they are BEEFFF!!! Think they're gonna be a game changer from the smaller Hot Racing versions.
I used stainless steel tabs mounted between the steering arms and the knuckles tube --- several #12 Carbon Steel M3's to hold them all together. one of the M3's is able to go thru the knuckle tube and rest between the bearings --- so I was able to put a nut on it holding it incredibly strongly -- the others I threaded with a tap and got about 4.5-5mm of thread in the 6063 aluminum --- it feels REALLY strong. We'll see.
I had issues with the Hot Racings where the steering tabs met the knuckle -- they came with Carbon Fiber steering arms -- those broke in 2 seconds. I made aluminum ones but the knuckles was designed to take only two M3's for holding together and I got a fair amount of "wiggle themselves free" going on with those joints there under the load of 1800oz/in of steering torque from the two 5th scale servos. I plan to put 2 strong 5th scale servos in, taking the torque to about 4000oz/in's, meaning I not A LOT strong arm-to-knuckle junction. These should do the trick!!!
Mounting on the truck should be pretty easy --- I made sure to test fit along the way throughout and check for any clearancing issues -- very close to the steering servo mount plates on full lock steering, and I probably have to put a small set of bends into my steering arm, but now I will be able to get FULL LOCK steering and was not able to get there before with the HR's due to knuckles clearancing on the TTR CVD driveshaft.
Ok now I even went to the IMGUR help on this site and took the BBC Code link text and combined it with one of the pic addresses I posted above... here is the result ---- no pic? Just a link, no hosted pic here, I must be missing something or maybe need to be a signed-in member now?
So weird -- the first time I did this, put in the BBC Code link it posted a clickable web link, then I went in to edit this post and add this comment, and the link was changed to the same as above [MEDIA] in this post -- I didn't change, it changed itself from the BBC Code link to the MEDIA link?????