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I don't know why but for the last two weeks using imgur, I no longer receive the image links when I hover over the 3 dots for any picture I post.

I don't know if its how i'm posting the pic or what. But when I click to get the BBC Code link like I had been doing as instructed in the 'how to' here on RC Crawlers, I now only get a very simple "copy link" and I can't find how to get to the list of links with the one that contains the BBC Code link.... if that makes any sense.

So i've just been taking the lnik they are showing me -- and it results in the above, where I only get 5 pics I guess, idk.

Anyways -- thank you for posting one -- guess that means you obviously see the BBC Code link when you click in the pic on IMGUR? Ii've looked all over the screen and don't see where to find it. I"m a novice.

And when I right click and click "Embed Post" I used to get a drop down with various embed links including the BBC Code link. Now I just see a "share" picture of the pic itself and a link to copy that just results in a HTTP link for the image.

Seems pretty inconsistent, I didn't change anything, the page just changed what it was showing me one day, randomly. Kinda with Ferp on this. I'm using a Chromebook, maybe that's the issue, but never had a prob with it before. Maybe they change dhte usage policy for non-signed up users or something.
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imgur kicked me off there platform and deleted my pictures and they refuse to tell me why or answer any of my emails
whoa. That is kinda odd. I don't have an account or sign in at all, lol so maybe if you don't even exist, then they can't kick you off.

But that is weird, so now all your threads have broken imgur links? YiKES.
That sucks @ferp420 . I got screwed bad back in the photobucket bs. Hope you can possibly get it sorted, at least to restore existing threads, but based on past experience i don't have high expectations.

Wrx, I only use the mobile app and add the [<img] tags when I post
That sucks @ferp420 . I got screwed bad back in the photobucket bs. Hope you can possibly get it sorted, at least to restore existing threads, but based on past experience i don't have high expectations.

Wrx, I only use the mobile app and add the [<img] tags when I post

Hmm, ok, I was going to try my phone and when I checked Imgur with it after an upload, I can't even find anyplace to click to get any kind of link at all. On my chrombook I just am taking the "embed" link.... its all that's offered anymore. idk. I give up. Kinda silly too I spent years REJECTING annoying image sites and finally go for it since imgur is free after all.... and in less than a month i've already lost the ability to figure out how to host a pic. no surprise. not my cup of tea really.... but i'll keep posting and linking them.

If anyone cares all that much I guess just click it.... so here's the finished GOLIATH KNUCKLES project.... well, 4 finished knuckles anyways, haven't installed them yet.

They don't look like much and they look REAL rough around the edges, lol literally --- but boy let me tell you they are BEEFFF!!! Think they're gonna be a game changer from the smaller Hot Racing versions.

I used stainless steel tabs mounted between the steering arms and the knuckles tube --- several #12 Carbon Steel M3's to hold them all together. one of the M3's is able to go thru the knuckle tube and rest between the bearings --- so I was able to put a nut on it holding it incredibly strongly -- the others I threaded with a tap and got about 4.5-5mm of thread in the 6063 aluminum --- it feels REALLY strong. We'll see.

I had issues with the Hot Racings where the steering tabs met the knuckle -- they came with Carbon Fiber steering arms -- those broke in 2 seconds. I made aluminum ones but the knuckles was designed to take only two M3's for holding together and I got a fair amount of "wiggle themselves free" going on with those joints there under the load of 1800oz/in of steering torque from the two 5th scale servos. I plan to put 2 strong 5th scale servos in, taking the torque to about 4000oz/in's, meaning I not A LOT strong arm-to-knuckle junction. These should do the trick!!!

Mounting on the truck should be pretty easy --- I made sure to test fit along the way throughout and check for any clearancing issues -- very close to the steering servo mount plates on full lock steering, and I probably have to put a small set of bends into my steering arm, but now I will be able to get FULL LOCK steering and was not able to get there before with the HR's due to knuckles clearancing on the TTR CVD driveshaft.

Ok now I even went to the IMGUR help on this site and took the BBC Code link text and combined it with one of the pic addresses I posted above... here is the result ---- no pic? Just a link, no hosted pic here, I must be missing something or maybe need to be a signed-in member now?

So weird -- the first time I did this, put in the BBC Code link it posted a clickable web link, then I went in to edit this post and add this comment, and the link was changed to the same as above [MEDIA] in this post -- I didn't change, it changed itself from the BBC Code link to the MEDIA link?????
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Anyways -- i aquiese for now. The roughness all over the knuckles is a result of Alumi-Weld gone disastrously wrong LOL.

I mean I guess it wasn't an outright disaster, I did eventually get all 4 arms to adhere with relativey good strength to the knuckles tubes. But it sure wasn't easy. Weird part was the first weld I did went AWESOME and was super strong and solid -- held up awesome --- and for some reason I got carried away and wanted to add a little more weld to it. From that point forward, it all went to dumps and I had to weld and re-weld all 4 pieces several times to get to solid holding on each. To be clear- this isn't really welding, more like aluminum braze or even maybe solder I would say. I was using MAPP gas equivalent so the heat was there... maybe too much as at one point I melted down part of a steering elbow and had to re-make it.

I don't know if i had wayy too much heat or what -- not clean enough parts -- -I was going at them HARD with wire wheel of the grinder -- so def was combining fresh aluminmum to fresh aluminum. But it seemed like it was hard to get even heat in the arm and the knuckles... the aluminum would liquify and wick into the knuckles or into the steering elbox, but often not take a strong bond to the other part.

Also I had aluminmum dripping all over the place. I suspect it was poor mating between the two parts --- the elbows were pretty rough I didn't make a new set just took the old custom set off the HR Knuckles and refitted --- either way it was a pita and I probably should have just sandwiched with 2 steel pieces around top and bottom of arm and it would have been incredibly solid.

As is now I didn't add the second piece of steel for a "sandwich" because the strength ther's already there --- is outstanding and much more robust than how they were held on the HR's.

I got tired of grinding and metal bit everywhere... decided to just leave them rough looking -- its not a beauty contest and you dont seem em all that much on the rig anyways. Function over form here for me, sorry crew -- I know its nothing like the pretty stuff alot of builders here accomplish every day. But its what I got.

And from here -- if I ever do lose a bearing (really doubtful based on giant over size) they are SO cheap I don't know why but got them $6 for a pack of 20, meaning I have a full replacement set waiting already!!

I paid $21 for 10 of the Fast Eddy's -- ABSURD -- but he is the ONLY one making 15x8x5 that fits the HR knuckles. Another reason for me to move away from that product long term.
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