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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

if a tree falls on a car do you think the tree gives a shit?
what up guys long time no see..... sorry i have been M.I.A. but i have been in a bit of a rut but i think i might come down sunday for a bit before i have to go to work.....
Wassup' Brotha's, I had some water damage Thurday.!

Welp'...I had to rip up alot of the layout and redo my whole floor plan too. So' Now it's going to be floodproof... If that's going to be the case with all the DRAIN'S backing up around this side of town this month and as the ground warm's up more. Luckly', I seen all this water problem coming at me. And i acted fast to saved everything that was in it's way. I spend most of last nite mopping up water, moving alot of stuff around and getting it all dry'd up again. So' Now, I'm Thinking I'm going to try and suspend alot of it from the ceiling this time "MAYBE" and redo alot of my framing to where it's not going to get wet (I now know just where the water will come in from & where most of the water will want to go)...If there is another Case of the drain backing up
on me again. bro's I was about to swing a sledgehammer to it all too,... When the wife said "Don't rob for you have spent to much time & money on this to just tear it all down now" I'll, have it back together again and I feel that this was just another learning curve for me to go thru'. (( And ol' bernie's is now working 3rd shift **I got the young man a JOB finaully so he can have some money coming in too** and now he has to sleep most the day and he don't have the extra time to mess with this project of OUR'S now. And it look's as thou' I'm, on my own pretty much for now on too,... And will have to finish this project up all by myself for I know dammm-well nobody's is going to want to help me out any ...either. Sorry' for I have'nt learn'd to post up PIC's yet ...either...Damm-it',___Scoot'er.
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Hey Guys,
I will be there Sunday as well probably be there around noon or so.
I need to beat the crap out of somethings, Nick I am going to bring the baja too. Hope thats ok.
I was let go from my job last night after 8 yrs of working there and now I am currently unemployed.
That why I said I need to beat the crap out of something and my baja and crawler are the unfortunate victims.....

got it

My stuff finally arrived. I worked on it for a few hours last night. About half way through the build. The Tranny is next on the page. Bad part is I'm leaving town in a few minutes and won't be back until late sunday. Another sunday blown. I will have it ready for next weekend. Fingers crossed. Have a good run everyone.:-P Can you believe that it took 14 days to ship it here. Still think that's crazy.
2 week to get it, Sound's about right for shitty "USPS"

My stuff finally arrived. I worked on it for a few hours last night. About half way through the build. The Tranny is next on the page. Bad part is I'm leaving town in a few minutes and won't be back until late sunday. Another sunday blown. I will have it ready for next weekend. Fingers crossed. Have a good run everyone.:-P Can you believe that it took 14 days to ship it here. Still think that's crazy.
Yup'...I can believe it took 14 day's..!!! For that seem's about right, Sorry' brotha', For I know that feeling of waiting like forever to get something back in the mail from afar all too well myself. That's why I gave up on buying anything that is'nt from a local Michigan brotha' and is locally base'd, and was offered up 4 sale, or trade, or that the owner was is need of the money. And was very willing to get it to me a.s.a.p..!!! And I thank all my good Brotha's for looking out for me,... When I be wanting, or in need of a part or whatever it is I be needing, Or see up 4 sale and Etc. And it work's out best that way for me,...And the brotha' at the other end of these dealing's too. ((When you all's fix'ing to have another big swap meet at nick's again...Huh..?!!)). -Scoot'er-
Wooo-Hooo' on maybe landing a Super' there bone'.

Sunday scoot. Hopping to get a super:D
heck-yeah brotha',... and you keep an eye out for any Emaxx' stuff and ask if anyone ,...Maybe have a complete set of all 8 matching A-arm's and all 4 driveshaft's that go thru them,..And don't forget all the A-arm pin's too. And I still be needing all the damm' screw's that go to an ol' Emaxx' to put this other one here together with. And I reckon' I'd owe you one then,..Later on down the road as we go's,...Okey brotha'. **And how's that old Laptop of mine working out for ya bro'...?!!** Is it doing the thang' for ya' or what.?!!,___Scoot'er.
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heck-yeah brotha',... And you keep an eye out for any emaxx' stuff and ask if anyone ,...maybe have a complete set of all 8 matching a-arm's and all 4 driveshaft's that go thru them,..and don't forget the a-arm pin's two. And i still be needing all the damm' screw that go to an emaxx' to put this other one here together with. And i reckon' i'd owe you one then later on down the road,...okey brotha'. **and how's that old laptop of mine working out for ya fella's...?!!** is it doing the thang' for ya' or what,___scoot'er.
cpt.hook has all that stuff
Hey Guys,
I will be there Sunday as well probably be there around noon or so.
I need to beat the crap out of somethings, Nick I am going to bring the baja too. Hope thats ok.
I was let go from my job last night after 8 yrs of working there and now I am currently unemployed.
That why I said I need to beat the crap out of something and my baja and crawler are the unfortunate victims.....

Sure I have no problems watching that.
Thank ya bro' just tell him ol' Scoot' want's it & 2 hold

Sunday scoot. Hopping to get a super:D

cpt.hook has all that stuff
That's kool brotha' He has'nt meeted me yet,.. So' tell him to hold on to what all he's maybe got and I'll, see what i could do after the first of the month for I'm about broke for the rest of this month. But' you know I'd want all that stuff to finish up making my wife a Bad ass Emaxx Beast like the one I keep repost that ol' pic' of on here. Tell him to "PM" him about what all he's got for the Emaxx' Bro'. Sorry I can't make it up there this month either. But, Thing's a pick up again soon,... And thank's ya fella's for all you've done to help me along too. And I surely miss not being there on any sunday too. -Scoot'er-