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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Promise I didn't find that on my own. A guy at basherhaven posted it. Its gross but its fun to show it to people who haven't seen it though. lol
I was alil' bored and Wanted to check out ya' all's too.

Welp' it took about 380 feet of Snake to clear out all my drain's today (Damm-what-a-messy-job-that-was-too). But, now I can relax abit, and not have to worry about having them backing up on me and flooding me out again this year, and with all the time & lil' money I've had to spend on this all winter long project of mine. And had to rip it all up once so far too. Now I know that each time it rain's like crazy' that all i got to deal with is a lil' crack in the one wall that I can just mop up as it leak's. Now I got to mop and clean and spray disinfectent over the whole basement floor, and then I can go back to where I left off at sunday before I had to stop at go out to dinner for my baby sister's b-bay that I allmost forgot all about too,..."Oop's" And she's the meanest one of them all too,... And sure as shit would of whoop' my A$$ if I had'nt show up when I did too...LoL. (( So' I got a month free rent of what I pay to rent this 35'x25' size basement outta' my landlord,...All Because of the possible water damage That could of happen to me this week if we both would'nt of gotten these drain's clear'd out in time. And he really like's what I got going on down there too,..And his never once even seen a damm' Rock crawler driven either. So' we all kool with what ever I plan to do down here now too. "Kool-bean's",...Huh brotha's,___Scoot'er.
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nick i thought that was one of your old ladys cakes lol your buddy that wants to race tell him to check out www.luckythumbmotorcycleclub.com he will see that bad 650 i was talking about on the front page also talking about a baja track there on the 5b forum :evil::shock::evil::shock::evil::shock::evil::flipoff::badger:
Yoo' Cpt,Hook! Jay said ya' maybe have EMAXX' part's?

Welp'....if you happen to do have some. Would you Please"PM" me some time so' we both could figure out what all you got, and I could tell you want all I'm, still hunting for to finish up another EMAXX' for my wife to play with this year. I like to pay in cash and to help locally brotha's better then messing with Ebay & USPS. And My Work is Good too "Hook" just ask afew of the other brotha's on here, and they'd tell you,...Yup' ol' Scoot'er is good to deal with too. And I still need to hear from "Mayville Bill" for I'll, be in he's town today around 4pm to 6:30pm. And I'd like to swing by his place to greet & shake hand's at least for now as I'll be right under his nose for abit of time today and it would be nice if we could greet each other finaully too. And maybe we could set up a carpooling thing to help me & him and hopefully Jay' to as trying to show up afew time's a month at Nick's this coming month. and it going to start to warm up abit more so' alot of us get get outside and run for abit too,____Hook' get back with me about that too,Please brotha',____Scoot'er.
any of you ever try and build your own chassis? for some reason I feel the need to try and make one. maybe its the bug biting my butt.
Just so you know

Scooter! You forgot that I am one of the guys who have a job! I work from 4 till 12:30pm. so you wont be seeing me today. I am not to much into the whole car pool thing because some people cant stay as long as me. Plus my son has problems I might have to leave for an emergency and I cant wait for someone to get ready. Jay might like to car pool or Hook. Hook only lives 10min from me.
up and running

Well I got everything up and running last night. I don't like the droop so far. My ride height is at 2 and 1/8 inches. I was told by timmah that I should look for a ride height of atleast 2 3/4. So some tinkering tonight and painting the body so I can actually hit the rocks.:-P
Welp' Now I know your Work hour''s,I understand-kid's

Scooter! You forgot that I am one of the guys who have a job! I work from 4 till 12:30pm. so you wont be seeing me today. I am not to much into the whole car pool thing because some people cant stay as long as me. Plus my son has problems I might have to leave for an emergency and I cant wait for someone to get ready. Jay might like to car pool or Hook. Hook only lives 10min from me.
Welp'... Reckon' me being an father & grampa an all. I've rized anuff kid's to know thou's thing's to brotha' and it's not a problem with me either for i know that they must come first at all time & place's too. Plus, I would'nt care when ya'd have to jump & etc. " For I may just fall in love with the lil' bugger too...LoL.!!! But, yes i understand just what ya' saying about all the daddy stuff too Bill'. And sorry I did'nt ever know what your work hour's was either,...Only that you have said that you had FUNNY hour's and I figured it was something like that too. Oooh, well it would of been nice to at least greeted & shake'd hand with each other today too. Hey' Bill at least "PM" my your home address so I'll, know right where to go if we ever do find a good time for a meet up for afew minute's an all sometime That would save us both the trouble of me trying to find your place when we do set a better time an day to meet up on...Okey. And yes' I'd like to see if any other fella's maybe want to start a carpooling thing with me too,...For I'll, be able to drive up to Nick's very soon "BUT will need someone WHO know's the last 2 mile's of that Area around Nick's place.!!! So' I don't waste time driving around his HOOD trying to find his house and feeling like an A$$hole while doing that too. Hey' Hook' you down for a carpool maybe Sir',____ol' Scoot'.
Welp'... Reckon' me being an father & grampa an all. I've rized anuff kid's to know thou's thing's to brotha' and it's not a problem with me either for i know that they must come first at all time & place's too. Plus, I would'nt care when ya'd have to jump & etc. " For I may just fall in love with the lil' bugger too...LoL.!!! But, yes i understand just what ya' saying about all the daddy stuff too Bill'. And sorry I did'nt ever know what your work hour's was either,...Only that you have said that you had FUNNY hour's and I figured it was something like that too. Oooh, well it would of been nice to at least greeted & shake'd hand with each other today too. Hey' Bill at least "PM" my your home address so I'll, know right where to go if we ever do find a good time for a meet up for afew minute's an all sometime That would save us both the trouble of me trying to find your place when we do set a better time an day to meet up on...Okey. And yes' I'd like to see if any other fella's maybe want to start a carpooling thing with me too,...For I'll, be able to drive up to Nick's very soon "BUT will need someone WHO know's the last 2 mile's of that Area around Nick's place.!!! So' I don't waste time driving around his HOOD trying to find his house and feeling like an A$$hole while doing that too. Hey' Hook' you down for a carpool maybe Sir',____ol' Scoot'.
Hook would proble be your best bet scoot i have alot of shit going on right now.
Thank's Jay'! And he's maybe got the Part's I need too

Welp'... he has'nt say nothing back to me on here, Or "PM'd" me yet about what he maybe have as EMAXX" stuff,...Either yet.?!! And We have'nt meeted up with each other yet too. See if you can talk to him to get him to reply back to me brotha'.! Shit' maybe we could help each other out alot with a lil' dealing and maybe hook up on the Wheeling too,...And that would be just fine & dandy for me now...Huh.!!! ( Jay' I've been throwing down all day today and I'm, not going to Mayville today either cause my Mom' as'nt feeling up to it now. She just called me now, as I was getting clean up and ready to go get her & Dad to take them to that Pancake suppy in Mayville that they allway's seem to want to go too. So' now I can hop back into my work outfit and go back and throw down all I want too. Which is want I'd like to be doing anyhow,....And I got a good buzz' going on about now too.!!! ( And we don't have to worry about it all getting flood out anymore either...Cause that has been taking care of and everything is now bone dry as it should be )...And that has got me very relax' and alot happyier now too. I got it just about all rebuild & just have to throw a coat or two of ready mix over it all again,...And it's sure as shit' looking better then it ever was too, with all the new Idea's I've gotten from all the other layout that I've been study'ing and taking Idea's from.*** Hang in there for just a lil' long jay' for we going to have a fn Blast trying this sucka' out too,...And if ya' fall off it, or break something crawling thru' it "DON'TBE BLAMING ME, For it run at your own RISK. And I want to see WHO's going to be the first person to tame it too*** Now I got to catch bernie' Cause I'm, taking alot of New Pic's tonite and I want them up on here A.S.A.P + the 20.00 that he owe's me too,... Reckon' I Gotta' keep this buzz' going...Huh. **I can't drink anything with all the med's I'm on nowaday's,...So' I'll have to have some...You Know',_ol'Scoot'
hey, Nick' this here tread is Useless Without any PIC'S

LMAO2-----Where's the new pic's & Vid's at....Huh.!!? That's-Not-kool-bean's,..!!! For ya' know we all's just a bunch of Pic' & Vid's Whore's....*Come on with um'*...Lol,_Scoot'er.
ya Nick!

Where are the pictures of the cakes this thread is no good without pictures. I guess sometimes you have to be there to see the pictures.lol
Where are the pictures of the cakes this thread is no good without pictures. I guess sometimes you have to be there to see the pictures.lol
No Bill ya dont want to see the vid. It will leave ya having nightmares. And if ya want to see more just type in cake farts. BUTT trust me ya dont want to.