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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Anybody having any FUN yet.? Wassup'*Tri-City Bro's*

Welp'....I'll, be in my Office down under. I hope the drain' don't back up on me again, this coming week as it warm's up again and we get all this rain coming at us too. It's that time of the year brotha's,...When I get all this water damage coming at me too,__( Damm-it I forgot to get two more tube's of lic'-nail's & another roll of burlup' yesterday as I was out and about ). Oooh, well...I'll, just go with what I got to use up for today,__"Scoot'er.
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Wassup' fella'.?! Who all show'd up today at Nick's..?!!

Welp'...I was knee deep into the layout and all when I heard the ol' lady stomping on the floor like crazy.?!! So' I shut every down & unplug'd all my tool's and stuff, got upstair's "Just to find out that my folk's are on their way over"..?!! And Now I got to get my not to happy about this sudden change of MY plan's,...all cleaned up,and told to Stop whatever it was "I was doing at this time"...For we all's are also going out to dinner together at 4pm. ( Whoopie doo' ) Can I just go back to what it was "I was doing",...Please..!!! For I was having a good time and got alot redigned & alot rebuild and it all was coming to me too,... As I got a good ol Scoot'er Mode' going on today too. *Reckon' I had one till now*...Welp' then I'm, going out to eat with my Mom & dad and I'm, going to eat to I can't eat no more too,...Then maybe later on tonite,...I'll, try to return to right about where I left off at too. "I hope you Brotha's are having a good Sunday also too",__ol'Scoot'..
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had a great time today, thanks for having me up there again nick:D

jay sorry to hear about your wife i hope she is ok:cry: if you have any problems with the super let me know everything should be plug and play thanks for the trade.:) take care gary.
hello everyone. just wanted to check in. I havent been on the site in forever. let me put it this way, I was on when RCCA had their first articles on crawling. Anyhow, Im not so much Tri City, but Mid Michigan being from Coleman. My crawler is old school. Its a TSC-10 chassic that I modded to do a laydown trans. Integy lathe motor, all locked up, 4ws with 4ch futaba radio, proline 2.2 mashers (have moabs to put on it, just havent), etc, etc, etc. Its fairly capable, but i have no idea how it compares to the new models.

Ya thats cool we run whatever over here. form scaler to comp rig its a run what ya bring over here. and we have people coming from everywhere. Your probley around a half hour from me so if ya want to come check it out or come and crawl hit me up. Oyeah we run for fun So Its not all about whos better than who.
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O yeah By the way Had a good time as always today guys and thanks to all that stopped out. and it was nice seeing you again Gary feel free to stop out any time. and Bill hope those links work out for the bogger.
i need to dust it off and bring it in the house. I have a few things to do to it. I need to add suspension travel limiters on it and get the new tires on. also thinking of going back to 2ws. I might even rework the links. I dunno yet. I have the bug right now. its so much eaier to crawl in the house than play with the 1/8th scale buggie... lol
Just to let you know!!!

Thanks nick for cutting my links and haveing me over to your house! It was a good time and I would like to thank all the guys who let me drive there Crawlers. Everybody has a Bad A$$ crawler. You guys made me go home and order me a new MAMBA MAX ESC. It will be here sometime next week. Thanks Chris for the info on it ! See everybody next sunday ."thumbsup""thumbsup"
Thanks nick for cutting my links and haveing me over to your house! It was a good time and I would like to thank all the guys who let me drive there Crawlers. Everybody has a Bad A$$ crawler. You guys made me go home and order me a new MAMBA MAX ESC. It will be here sometime next week. Thanks Chris for the info on it ! See everybody next sunday ."thumbsup""thumbsup"
That's what i was running Bill. Before i went SUPER SIZED lol. Thank's Gary for the new ride. Sorry i couldn't be there today but she is doing alittle better"thumbsup"
thank's for that link ben' that's a kool bunch of fella's

Thanks for another sweet day Nick. Was good to see you all.

Check out this course in Connecticut.
Yup,...I just register'd to ben and I seen that ya' be in & outta there to at time's,...And that's kool & thank's for telling about that link too. But, I've seen that some course on RCC before. But, I did get alot of Idea's from it and alot of other posted Pic's of alot of indoor rock crawling course's that are being shown on RCC lately too. And each time I see another sweet new course' it make's me want to redesign a part of my own indoor's course...Or just add that part into mine, or take something out because I seen a better way of doing mine as to seeing how other brotha's have done their's & Etc....It seem to be never ending too,___LMAO2..!!! "Scoot'er"
had good time nick i had fun . thanks chris for the info . ben thank for the tires they should be on the new rims for next time. o thanks chris for the serve mounts to .:badger:
I made the idler shaft from an old cotter pin off of a trailer I don't have anymore. Worked great. Got the rest of it together just need to finish up the electronics. I started cutting off othe tamiya ends and was going to put on the deans connectors I have. Went to grab the sautereing iron and can't find it anywhere. Hard to wire without some heat. I'll get picks up as soon as I can. wife is still out of town and has the camera with her. got my fingers crossed for next week.:-P
sorry for missing out today had a little trouble geting my a$$ in gear today.. got to love the season..:cry: but i'm sure i'll be their hell or high water next sunday is my weekend off...:idea:
and the monkey flips the switch