Ooooh boy,... This puppy want's to go outside 4 Sur' Lmao2...!!! And I just about got everything for making the Mrs' one of these mun-ster's now too.((This is an old pic' of it from last summer brotha's Sorry I need to post up alot of new pic's from now a day's,... I'm, working on getting a new slideshow' & alot of other pic's added to my photobucket album. I've made alot of progress this week and I want bernie to post up alot more "New Pic's up on here for ya's soon too. He's been sick as a Dog' lately & he'll, be over as soon as he's well anuff to throw down some more again brotha's. So' in the mean time it's just be a one man show with everything around here. And it $uck's not having a partner around working with ya' as the hour's go by slow too.___Scoot'er.
But, I'd like to have a 57' chevy pickup to trim out and mount up just right,... Some day too,___(( Ol' bernie's has been sick as a dog' with the Flu')) lately bro's. but, he'll be getting alot of new pic's post up on here for ya all's as soon as he's feeling well, anuff to get over here and start back on all he's odd job's an etc. it's a bummer when i got to go at it all as just a one man show over here too. I've made alot of progress lately too. I'll, try my best to get him to just post up all the new pic's for ya's to see as soon as I can brotha's,___Scoot'er.![]()
just working on stuff, getting things together. building, re-aranging, painting, all sorts of stuff. need to make rob a build up thread. he owes you guys that by now. nice to be home. you can view all photos soon enough.
x2 Im a cheater and hate rule's lol
Gary im even going to bring my wife!!! Just in case i don't have enough stuff to trade ya lol J/Kjay, i will be up there sunday.bring your stuff.:shock: