Alright guys! Tim got got my router hooked up and now the wireless works in the garage. So now your lap tops will work with out any probs. "thumbsup" and thanks guys it was a nice lazy day running! Plus I got some work done on my bogger.
Are the big guy's that where there today getting into crawling?Alright guys! Tim got got my router hooked up and now the wireless works in the garage. So now your lap tops will work with out any probs. "thumbsup" and thanks guys it was a nice lazy day running! Plus I got some work done on my bogger.
Tim got my router hooked up and now the wireless works in the garage. So now your lap tops will work with out any probs.
Pretty good but cold lol.I took some video but can't get it to post on photobucket. The snow was hard on the tire's it was hard to get on the rocks with wet tire's lolHow was it running at the boat launch yesterday?