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Bay City or Tri Citys MI

Alright guys! Tim got got my router hooked up and now the wireless works in the garage. So now your lap tops will work with out any probs. "thumbsup" and thanks guys it was a nice lazy day running! Plus I got some work done on my bogger.
Alright guys! Tim got got my router hooked up and now the wireless works in the garage. So now your lap tops will work with out any probs. "thumbsup" and thanks guys it was a nice lazy day running! Plus I got some work done on my bogger.
Are the big guy's that where there today getting into crawling?
*Happy Birthday*_*Slimdaddy*_And hope ya' happy 2

Welp'...I had no-Idea.?!! that it was your b-day brotha' or that it was darren wife's b-day either today. So' you have a great one at that too Dave'. And go out tonite and check out the cutie's with the booty's...Lmao' & get all Shit-face, & Etc. Just be carefully,...And have yourself a great day and nite,...For ya' know by this time tuesday',...?!! It a be over with,...And you'll then just be one day older too. "Scoot'er"
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*Happy birthday* to Justgoingslow's Wife to Today 2

hey' there darren'...For you just tell your mrs' that Me & mine' wish her a very happy birthday from both us too 4 Sur'...!!! (And Mine just said to type this in here too)---> *Why, Mr.darren'... "YOU"' best make sure "SHE" do'es have herself a great one at that too,...Okey Mr'*__LoL'__"Happy birthday Wish'es to Dave, and to darren's wife too",...From;Mr & Mrs. Scoot'er.
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*Head's up* MiRCa' Has t-shirt's made up now brotha's

Yup' and they are sweet too. Check with darren about them,...Or twistedone a.k.a Mr. bob Coleman at Camp twisted. For he had them made up for us,..."Scoot'er'. Troy Are you thinking of making up any "Tri-City-Crawler's' Tishirt's soon too..?!! For that would be *AWESOME* if we alldid have a Club t-shirt to wear around at nick's and where ever too...Scoot'er.
happy Stead and BJ day Slim! hope the old lady was cooperative. especially so close to invented affection day, err VD Day. lol

on a plus note, was still having some furnace issues, to today i cleaned out all the exhaust pipe, and had to replace a few pieces. seems to be doing GREAT now!

Happy BDay to all.

I've decided that Hallmark day (aka Valentienes day) and Presidents day is just another string of government conspirecies aimed at keeping me and any other red blooded man away from his RC. No delivery today because all the post men were either at home relaxing or at work playing with my crawler. LOL "thumbsup"
Hey thanks all for support. You really are a great bunch. I miss you all at crawling. Got my rig down here - looking for a pile of rocks - been real busy working on house projects for bro-in-law and sis - payback to them for having me.

All is good - see you all soon.

Happy bday slim !