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any crawlers in MN?

I hate to say it but I have been having a hard time with the heat this week. Today has been the worst. So I wont be able to make this one. Also my sister has her 3 month old with her.

On a side note I might of found some new spots with natral rock formations. I will be looking in to them. They are in Rotchester. My brother lives there and I was down there visiting him today.

Sorry guys for not being able to make it. Have fun.
I've got a truck ready for each class, a cooler with water, and Iced Tea, and my fingers crossed for no breakage and good clean runs.
Good luck all and see you there.
Dido... hope you can make it Silverdirt.

I've got both trucks ready to rock (pun intended). My handy-dandy backpack is packed. Just printing out scoresheets and I'm good to go!
Hey Mn Crawlers!

I was approached by a new guy at my work who has just started putting together a crawler and he was interested in setting up a coarse and doing some crawling at the R/C X Games. Well I love anything that has to do with R/C and I told him if he could get some people interested that if he was willing to handle it, lets do it! He put a post on our forum board and there was not much for replies, so I wasn't too sure if it was going to work, but after stopping in at Jerry's yesterday and talking with the guys up there and finding out about this site, yeah you guys are hardcore! So heres the deal for me... I would really like to have a crawler coarse at the X games! I have Skinny coming from Xtreme R/C to do a magazine article, supposedly inside R/C is coming to do a spot for their show and I am working on doing a radio add on 93X! I am trying to bring the whole R/C community together for one great event, cars, trucks, boats, planes, helios and now crawlers. For me I am way overbooked with all that I have to do to get ready for the event. If you guys are willing to put a coarse together and run the event, I will do all I can to help you out. As you all know the hardest part about doing this is going to be frequency conflicts. I am not having much luck finding any boat guys to come and do a couple of demo races for us, so if you know of any, please have them get a hold of me. Planes and helios are on there own frequencies, so no worries there. I have a Mini-T coarse that I will be running periodically over the weekend as well. The main priority will be to keep the off road racing on the big track going all weekend. I will have a frequency board and if you guys are ready to do some crawling we will have tags with your info on it and what track you are on and you will hang it on that frequency. It will be next to the race director and if someone is up and coming on the big track, they will have priority. So it will be best to check ahead a few races to see if that channel is clear. The event is set to run for 4 days, fri-mon, but I see saturday as being the biggest spectator day as we will be advertizing for a swap meet that day too. I have a few different spots we could build a coarse and I will have a bobcat onsite to help out. Menards is also sponsoring us and giving me great deals on building supplies. Well enough said for now, lots more we can work out if you guys are interested. Heres a link to our forum board where John posted it http://hobbyfarm.suddenlaunch.com/index.cgi?board=news&action=display&num=1152669536

Thanks alot, Mike
Hey Fisk, good to see you here.

I had a few questions and Jerry was not able to answear them. First would we be required to pay the $10 to crawl like the pullers and spud runners have to pay? And how much run time do you think we would have to crawl? Our trucks will run 30 minutes or more on one battery pack. And would you be able to get a good healthy rock pile setup for us out there? We don't mind moving rocks around to make a course, but we need rock to work with.

And for everyone else, the comp today was great. Even had a few new people show up and run with us. The temp really was not that bad out there today, the breeze helped a lot. I posted pictures in the comp forum. Go check them out.
Nice to see you're impressed with our club here Fisk, and it's an honor to be asked to come up there. I've seen the video from last year's event and it looked like a huge success (not to mention a blast)!! We've been informally asked by a few people now about going up there, and I know that a few of us are definetly willing to participate. I also have a few questions; Are you looking for a formal crawling event/competition, or more of a demo? How big of an event, one day, two day, etc? Sounds like Sat would be a great day to be there. We can definetely help with any planning of the crawling event. I'll also be posting on your board as well to help with communication.

I'd also like to add that today was a blast. The heat wasn't nearly a factor as what it seemed it was going to be. And I got to say we had the closest finish in the Super class that we've ever seen... it literly came down to a difference of 5 SECONDS!!!!!! Unbelievable!!!
well , cound on 3 people on my ride , myself , father , and my son , i can run a skidsteer as well , if ya want i can run it for ya , i run one at work as well,.......

guys , we need a banner , i'll check the finances and see what i can come up with

we are ready to ROCK
I'm up for the R/C X games myself. If needed, I do have that 2 tons of rocks out back, all we need to do is transport.

And I'll 3rd that, excellent comp today gents, nice to see new faces every week along with us diehards.

Next comp is 2 weeks from today!!!
Same time, same location, different lines ;-)
It's good to hear that you guys had a good time today. Nice to see that some people showed up. Sorry I didn't make it, but as you know, I'm not a fan of the heat, It wouldn't have been fun.
Denny and I talked about going to the 'Hidden Falls' are this upcomming saturday to take a look at that place. (He FINALLY has his clod done!!!) He thinks that it might be promiseing.
Also, Speedsport, do you have an idea of where in Rochester this/these spot(s) might be?
Heather is from Rochester, and her partent still live there, and she mentioned she thinks there's a park ther with an old rock quarry or something. Then today I mentioned to my father about some possibilities in Rochester and he mentioned to try the MN state park 'Whitewater', a little bit east of Rochester. When I looked at the DNR website about info on Whitewater there was a highlight of "Rugged Hiking Trails to Scenic Bluffland", that might be something... this one is kinda nice too;"Noticeable Lack of Mosquitoes".
Actually I don't think I have seen a single mosquitoe at Taylors falls. Hope you can make it out to one of our comps again though. You're falling behind a bit.
I guess I am not to familiar with how you run a competition for crawlers, but I would rather you do a competition, rather than a demo, but eitherway it would be great to have you out be a part of it. If it's a competition I would like to hand out gold, silver and bronze medals like I do for the other events to all the winners. If that is the case I would like to charge $10.00 per entry and I will cover the medals. The building that we would hold this in also costs me $250 for the weekend so I am trying to cover some of that as well. Are many of your vehicles running specktrum? If that was the case there will be alot less frequency issues. To give you a idea how you would have to fit in with the Big X track, they will be running 5 minute qualifiers on saturday with a 5 minute warmup inbetween each race. So if someone was waiting for a frequency, they would have about a 10 minute wait until the next race started. Unless somebody in the next race was using that channel too. The race order with all the classes will be posted right next to the frequency board and you can look ahead and see what channels everyone is on for each race.
Many racers have now gone to Specktrum and Nomadio, so that helps out keeping alot of frequencies open. On Sunday morning we will be running 1 more round of qualifing, same format, and then the mains which will be 10 minutes each for the lower main and 30 minute for all the A mains. So there will be lots of time during the mains if your channel is open. For the Mini-T track I will be running the AM 7-12 channels for the rental Minis, so there hopefully won't be any problems there. If you think you can work a competition into either one or both of those days, that works for me. As far as building a coarse, I will help as much as I can, but am stretched pretty thin allready. I will help to try and find some good size rocks and I have truck and would haul some too. If we were to come up with some lumber, timber or anything like that to mix it up, would that be a option too?? I will be going up there one night this week, not sure which one yet, if anybody would like to meet up we could talk some more about it. Let me know....

Mike, check out the Competition forum here, and look at our comp pictures there. That will give you a rough idea of what our trucks can handle. The smaller 2.2 trucks have about 12" wheel bases. While the super trucks (clods and txt's) have 15-18" wheel bases.

We have crawled on a rock pile that was about the side of a small pickup truck. And with a rock pile it does help to have gravel to fill in the large voids that the rocks leave. And it would probably take 2-3 hours to set up the rock.

I might go if there are prizes as well, and I would drag Erik with.

So who would all be going?

Etype R

Probeater + 2 familly members
Jerry and jerry

That is 9 people right there. 8 TLT's and 5 supers.

Ohhh and Mike, we also run 3 classes, but could limit it down to two classes. Big trucks and lil trucks. The 2.2 mods do not really have a advantage over the standard 2.2s from what we have seen so far.
I would be interested in checking out the layout and discussing the details further. Anyone else want to go up there? I mapped it out and it would take about an hour and a half to get up there not including traffic. I'd be able to leave the cities around 4pm, Tuesday I could hit the road a bit earlier. Let me know what day when you know.
Nicklepimp said:
I would be interested in checking out the layout and discussing the details further. Anyone else want to go up there? I mapped it out and it would take about an hour and a half to get up there not including traffic. I'd be able to leave the cities around 4pm, Tuesday I could hit the road a bit earlier. Let me know what day when you know.

I'm game to check things out also. It wouldn't take us more then an hour max to get there. I used to live up in East Bethel and made it home at rush hour within an hour. It's about 10 miles from where I lived. Not really a bad drive at all.
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Well guys, our site has been updated with the comp results. And by the way, we have now hit the 4,000 hit mark!!! I'll be adding some of Etype R's pics later.
Etype R I have to disagree with you about you talking about the 2.2 mod class. They have tighter turning capabilites. That is a advantage in itself. That is why we made two calsses when we started the group. We all agreed on it. Also there are more rigs that are only front steer than 4 wheel steer. The 4 wheel steer guys could just lock the rear for that event.

Any way sorry guys that I did not make it. I ended up sleeping most of the day. Then I ended up getting sick at work today. So it is probibly a good thing that I did not go.
Tuesday I will be heading up to the fairgrounds, I have to meet one of the fairboard members to work out some X games stuff around 6:30. If you would like to come up and take a look around and figures somethings I will be there for quite awhile. My cel is 612-267-1664, shoot me a call tomorrow and let me know if you can make it.