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any crawlers in MN?

I love the idea of the two color markers for the two classes. We should use that at every comp. The rope or line idea is not bad but the forcing a reposition I think is a bad idea. We could just make it a rule that you cant make 30ft turns LOL. I might be able to make it up just let me know when and where.
As of right now I am just tossing out random ideas, and I am sure spectators would frown upon seeing us drive off the course to get turned around for a gate, just to avoid a 1 point penalty that just about everyone will have to take anyways :P
I picked up some colored balls tonight, enough for another course.
As far as the out of bounds goes, at the X-Games, we could just get some sidewalk chalk and draw lines. I don't think we'd get away with that at Taylors. I say on those tight turns that we know are either a back up point or a long turn around, we just add out of bounds gates as needed. Most of the rest of the course hasn't been much of a problem really.

Again, these are just idea's tossed around.
I'm with you guys 100% on the out of bounds. Making a 30 foot turn to avoid 1 or 2 points is a bit rediculous. Plus it helps strive people to improve their turning radius. I think rope or string would be the easiest way to enforce the out of bounds. I wouldn't want tree-huggers getting pissed off because of the chalk, and I think having extra tennis balls for OB markers might get a bit too confusing.
troy , if your balls are covered , man you need to see a doctor before stuff starts fall'n off a guy:flipoff:

i saw some nylon neon string , i think it was at home depot , i;ll check it out
As far as rope/string, why couldn't we just lay it out along the course for boundry lines? Or I could always drill holes in those little up-rights we use for starter/finish gates, I have a bunch more of them. Might be a little more hassle to string the course up? But could be an option.
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Available hopefully before the next comp will be Lazer cut Vinyl WWW.MNRCROCKRAWLERS.COM stickers for your rigs in the font in our club logo. They will be available to start with in Silver, and Red. Other colors available in the near future will be: White, Lime Green, Grey, Dark Green, and Black.
Banners are about the same size as the RCC window banner stickers.
Price will be $2.00 ea.

Also 1:1 window banners can be had for $19.00 ea.
Anyone interested in any?? I'd hate to order them for nothing.
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It would be like the Red font in our logo except with the www. and .com.

I won't be ordering them until tomorrow night or Mon
, Do you have a special font in mind? I was just gonna stick to the current logo font for now otherwise.

Smaller Logo1.jpg
Ohh I was just confused... I thought you were going to include the club logo outline as well.

And I still have to finish up with the pictures. But there is good news with that. I decided to upgrade to a larger host with 24 gigs of space and 800 gigs of bandwidth a month. So once I finish doing the site graphics and layout. I will just upload every single picture from the comps.

My new site will be turtlecrawler.com and it does work already. But I don't have anything on it yet.
So guys, Denny showed me a pretty fun spot today over in St.Paul, Hidden Falls. He brought his E-Maxx with both axles locked this time and the Losi LST2 tires, kinda nice. And he brought his much awaited (at least by me) Gecko 2 Clod, very nice. It ran very well, the LST(1) tires seemed to hook up pretty good.
Here are a few pics of the spot... Some of our trucks in the pics that follow.
(you'll have to excuse the poor picture quality... I brought my camera, but forgot to put my memory stick back into it (DUUUuuuuhhhh). So the pics are all from my picture phone.)


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More w/ trucks...



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Looks like a fun spot, not far from the spot we've been playing in either, and very close looking terrain. How's it looking for you and Denny for the next Taylors comp? I'm sure you've seen the pic's, it's a great comp spot. Also, have you seen the R/C-X Games thread? and post up if you're interested/available.
I uploaded all 303 pictures from the last comp up on turtlecrawler, its nice having 24000 megs of web space :-P
Sounds good Adogg. So any one have those parts I'm looking for? Also any one want to get to gether tomorrow morning? I have to be some where by 2:00pm though. If so just give me a call if you have my #. I will be awake around 9:00am.
Well, I got the SW2 back in action. This time it was the big diff gear in the Pede missing 3-4 teeth. I replaced that, and added a aluminum idler gear and greased the hell out of that. I changed a couple small things around and might go do some bashing/testing this afternoon.

I'm still waiting on adaptors for the Moab xl's to mount them on the Pimp Cane, hopefully I'll have them by Next Sat. I'm going to be very dissapointed if they don't show and my best clod is down for a 2nd comp :-(
I still need to narrow the rims One of these week nights or maybe yet today..

The Brown clod, while glueing the tires, I noticed One of the axles came unlocked. Never trust others to lock them, some people just don't use enough

The Red P4 2.2 is going to get it's wheel speed tamed down to a 45t. After this next comp, that might just go to a torsion stick.

Looking forward to next Sundays comp :lol:
I hope the weather is nice, and the turn-out high.

It is... And I have not changed anything on my TLT yet. I am starting to worry, I've changed it before every comp so far.