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any crawlers in MN?

pro beater said:
please tell me the next comp isnt this sunday (8-13)

if so i'll miss it , i'll be hung over in BRAINERD at the drag nats :-(

Yeah, it's this Sun. Comps are every other weekend throughout the rest of summer.
Some good news for a change, I talked to Kevinlongisland today and my parts came in and will be shipped out today!!! Looks like the Pimp Cane will get some action this weekend after all :lol:
Just wondering

Just wondering where all you MIA's are/have been???


North country??
Toyota T??
mgt Mania??

Whats up with you guys??
Not interested in crawling anymore??
Too busy to have some fun??
Not the club type??

None RCC posters:


Active members:

Jerry Sr
Jerry Jr

did I miss anybody?? Seems to me by the early interest in this thread, we should have at least 20 members
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Roll Call

So....... Who's all going to make this next comp Sunday 8-13-06
Add a yay, or nay and cut compy and past please.

Freetime - Yay

Does anybody read this thread anymore??
What? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention.

Must be my ADHD acting up again.

Uh, yeah, I'll be there.

Where's my Vicoden?

Wait, what were we talking about?

Must be my ADHD acting up again.

Uh, yeah, I'll be there.

Where's my Vicoden?

What were talking about?

Oh yeah, that's right... Yeah, I'll be there.

Must have been my ADHD acting up again.

Where's my Vicoden?

What were we talking about?

So, who's gonna be at the comp this Sunday?

I'll be there.

Here's an idea; Maybe if everyone posted up whether they are going or not.

I'll be there.

What were we talking about?
Mnster and Bro - Nay

But, the next time we will.;-)

At least your club has more then just 2-3 active members.:lol: Fact is people just have nothing to talk about or have the time to say anything. They usually just post once and go to the event. I guess not everyone is hopelessly addicted to this website like us.
Hey all, I havn't been around. Couple weeks ago I bought this

and have been comsuming most of my time with trying to gget a engine built for it.:twisted:

For the 3rd comp in a row I have another wedding to go to, so i will be missing it. This has not been a good summer for me to have free weekends:-( , but I am still around and planning to make it to some more comps eventually.
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Well I just picked this up on Sunday, its a money pit.....


And of course I will be there, Erik as well.
Oh yeah, well just this morning I bought... uh.... well... um... gas.
Not nearly as exciting, I just didn't want to be left out I guess.

By the way, who's all going to the comp this Sunday?

I'll be there.

Wait, what were we talking about?

Tell me if this is getting old:lol:
Wow, a big buying week for MNRCRC members.
I picked up a 1992 Diablo just today. I'll have some pic's next week when it comes out of 5 yrs of storage and gets cleaned.
It has a blown engine, Talk about a money pit, 30k for a new engine
freetimecrawler said:
Wow, a big buying week for MNRCRC members.
I picked up a 1992 Diablo just today. I'll have some pic's next week when it comes out of 5 yrs of storage and gets cleaned.
It has a blown engine, Talk about a money pit, 30k for a new engine

Lambo?:shock: BLown engine or not its a Diablo8)

Don't feel bad my new car had a blown engine as well. Still makes a good place to sit in the garage and drink beer:)
A lambo, you kidd'n Troy? That is sweet!

Hah! My old inline 6 runs great on my truck. In the woods a couple times I thought for sure it had stalled... But a second or so later I started poping on its own and came back to life. The engine is tuned very well on this rig, and fires up on command. And the old F engine has some great torgue. I just need to get the exhaust fixed on it, and figure out some turn signals. After that I would like some gauges that work, maybe I will even drive it out to one of our comps this fall. But I need to do some work before I drive it that far, don't want to get hassled by any cops.
No, I'm not kiddin. Nuts maybe but not kiddin. Sometimes I wonder about myself ;-) I couldn't help it, Jet black and in great shape - the blown engine.
I'll have a new engine put in over the winter. I'll get some pic's up next week when she comes out of storage.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

A Lambo. That is sooooooooooo cool.

I will try and be there. Well I should be. Oh can some one give me the directions from 169? I didn't take notes when I was up there last time :mrgreen:
Hwy 169 North. Cut over to 35w where ever(494, 62, 94), and continue on 35w northbound until just past Forest Lake. Just after the Forrest Lake exit is Hwy 8. Take Hwy 8 east for about 20-25 minutes or so. Once you pass signs saying you're in Taylors Falls you will come to a stop light at the bottom of a hill. Take a right at that light into the State Park parking and you're there.

North Country said:
D A M N - toys toys toys.:mrgreen:

Freetime - what are your plans for the engine on the Lambo?

I plan on being there on Sunday.

I plan on rebuilding or replacing the engine over the winter.
I need this car like I need a hole in my head, I just couldn't pass it up though ;-)

My adaptors came in today. The Pimp Cane is back in action :lol: