Here are some pictures from yesterday out at Taylors falls.
nicklepimp broke down before he even got out of the parking lot!
And here is where his tire stopped
After he fixed it, he had to show off and do a climb that none of us could pull off last time. Of course now my Juggy could walk right up that too
And a few shots of my Turtle TLT
My friend erik kept trying to break my TLT Bruiser... He did break the lock in the center diff of the pede tranny. But I was able to repair that back at the truck. He also broke a couple ball ends off the links.
Me and Freetime showing off our flex along the wall in the parking lot.
Nicklepimps new TLT glows in the dark!
Freetimes tlt on one of the many rock hills, the rock never ends around here.
And here is a natural rock bridge, Freetime loves this one.
Well thats it for pictures. I did take a few more. But the first time we went out, I forgot to put a memory card in the camera.