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any crawlers in MN?

Batteries are charging, I'll be ready. The 2.2 comp rig is ready for some hard testing. I guess I'll try using no rs today and start getting used to that. The Brown clod is ready for a hard run. Just not that 10' fall again ;-)

The new chassis for the F-100 clod didn't show up yet today, I guess next weeks comp will be it's first real test.

I also have a new proto-type 2.2 chassis coming in the next 2 weeks for yet another 2.2 build.
It was fun today and I am very pleased with my TLT now. And like I said today, the Jugg will be getting the same setup... Well its basicly done already. I just need to make a couple braces to keep things from moving out of place. And I need to make the front drive shaft longer. But as it sits right now, both axles are bolted on and the tranny is bolted up as well. The rear drive shaft is in place, but the front is to short. I should be able to drive it tomarrow around lunch time :p But with gas the way it is, I'll skip taylors falls tomarrow and just wait until the comp. I'll be testing the Jugg a little closer to home.
Yeah, I had a good time as well. I was pretty happy with the 2.2 today,(esp the run time) maybe a little weight in the rear, and a little softer springs.

That Brown clod, I think the best thing I could do for that is some Moab xl's. Otherwise I'm fairly happy with that now that it went from 14"wb to 16"wb. It's my favorite all around basher truck.
I'm not sure if I'll make Taylors tomorrow either, I have some stuff to take care of, but if I can get my friend to go, I think he'd be hooked.

Hopefully the Pimp Cane chassis shows Mon, and I can get that rig together for the comp.
RD400 PM'ed me tonight asking for info on Sundays comp. I sent him the info, who knows, we may have an extra competitor.

Edit, come to think of it..............................only carnage for me today was a stripped plastic servo horn :lol:

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Well the Jugg is up and running again, I do need to add a couple braces to keep things from moving on me. But its pretty solid and works better then anything I have driven before.

17.6 inch wheel base
5.5 inches of ground clearance
Can flex a tire up about 8 or 9 inches? Its pretty good.

Here is a short teaser video of it, I'll post some pictures later tonight.


It was able to climb that rock from any angle. And the larger rock, it could walk up it as long as it wasn't the backside with the 90 degree wall. But it could go down those 90 degree drops without flipping :P
The place looks like a exact replica of Devils Lake, the colors of rocks are the same.

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Mnster, that does look a lot like Taylors falls. I'll post of some pictures from yesterday later tonight. First I am posting pictures of the new comp jugg.











As you can see it can nearly walk up a wall, lets see a clod do that :p
The man works fast :!: Why only last night that thing was a wreck ;-)

And yeah, it does look alot Like Devils Mnster. I guess I'll see next Sat.
Here are some pictures from yesterday out at Taylors falls.

nicklepimp broke down before he even got out of the parking lot!


And here is where his tire stopped


After he fixed it, he had to show off and do a climb that none of us could pull off last time. Of course now my Juggy could walk right up that too :P


And a few shots of my Turtle TLT





My friend erik kept trying to break my TLT Bruiser... He did break the lock in the center diff of the pede tranny. But I was able to repair that back at the truck. He also broke a couple ball ends off the links.


Me and Freetime showing off our flex along the wall in the parking lot.

Nicklepimps new TLT glows in the dark!

Freetimes tlt on one of the many rock hills, the rock never ends around here.

And here is a natural rock bridge, Freetime loves this one.




Well thats it for pictures. I did take a few more. But the first time we went out, I forgot to put a memory card in the camera.
Wow.... I stripped one of the brass gears on my front servo. I expected it to be the plastic one, but it was the top brass gear.
Yeah yeah yeah... But my Juggy made it up this rock today, which is much steeper and taller then that one. And it walked right up it so :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:


I love my Giant tracs :flipoff::flipoff::flipoff:
New chassis arrived this morning. Someone's gonna have a new truck by days end :roll:

Speedsport, PM sent on rock rings.

Being I was more concerned with how the comp ran on our first comp and not so much worried about a score. I've got alot of points to make up. Starting this weekend :flipoff:
Well , my brother JIM is back from the litterbox , we took dad's truck out and toy'd around with it a lil bit , ended up spinning a couple hexes , so those are dry'n now , gotta love CA glue:flipoff:

Bro wants to build a shafty , pref a TXT or a JUG , but DAYUM they are a lil spendy :shock:

so i night steer him torward a tlt shafty for now, i'm going to try to drag him with to the comp on sunday , see ya there:twisted: