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any crawlers in MN?

Well we could not find the exact spot that 9guy9 was at. I will get out there this week to look more. But lets just say that it was not a good day. I can't get into details unless the others want to. So for now we have nothing. On the bright side we have a new member. Trust me he is hooked. So we will be doing a lot of looking around in other areas also.
Well, some bad news. My camera is 'being difficult'. As Kevin and Chris saw, I am able to take a picture... Just not view it or even download it to my computer (found that out once i got home GRRRRRrrrr!!!). So it's off to a Sony Service Ceter for warranty repair. And from what I understand, the pictures on it may not still be there.
So Kevin, If you want to post any of those pics you were able to take with your phone, that would be nice.
So where did you guys end up going down here? What all went so bad?

To get to the place I was talking about you go across the dam and there is a trail going into the woods. Thats it. Follow it down to the beach. I was down there early last week, but I broke a axle as soon as I got down to the beach:x
The spots we saw would be alright for Supers, but 2.2's would have a difficult time. The spot under the bridge is a lot like under Black Dog Road except more filled in with smaller rocks.

These 2 are by the dam

These are under the bridge

And of course our traditional group shots

9guy9 We went down there but Adogg could not as his ankle is still in a brace. We did not want him to get hurt.

Scott and I are going to be doing some scouting. Hopefuly we can find some good spots. We will be looking at local towns as well.

Adogg I hope you get your camera fixed. I also hope those pics are lot lost as there where some great ones on there.
well atleast you guys got some play time in , i was at a wedding:roll:

, anyone wanna g2g and scout an area local to the cities???
i called Nickle Pimp and Freetime , and sounds like they might ne game , i'm thinkin' Minnehaha Falls area just off Hiawatha & Minnehaha just by fort Snelling , the trails go down to the river , bunch of trail areas and creeks , i'll bring the camera for those that are scout'n other places, at home or doin the family thing already...

if you are interested gimme a call 612-369-0501 Jerimy
Beater is this more of a trail run then actual rocks id be up for it i could stretch my trail rigs legs for this one.

are there any plans for another GTG soon it looks like beater has a decent spot found.

I was home working on my junk :roll:
4 broken teeth on my Pede idler gear and I was out of competition with what I think is my best 2.2 truck :-(.
Spazz is repaired and changed a little bit and ready for some wheel time.
Still a couple small things I want to do on it, but isn't that always the case ;-)

My P4 2.2 which I took 4th out of 8 trucks with in Iowa needs more weight in front, and more wheel speed. I'm either gonna change gearing, or put in a 45t, or maybe both., and add some wheel weights. I think I would have done better in the Iowa comp with more wheel speed and weight.

The stick clod F-100 has a new chassis coming this week. I'm also gonna have to break down and get some new tires and wheels for it. I still haven't got that esc programed right in it. The delayed reverse cost me too much in the Iowa comp. I'm either gonna have to figure that out or ditch it for another.

The Brown clod I was/am pretty happy with over all after it's last re-build. I broke an outer axle on it in the Iowa comp, I had one on hand and repaired it, but by that time (since I was almost the last One running) the rest of the supers had finished, and a big Black cloud dumped buckets of rain. I suppose I could have run it Sun before we began the 2.2 class, but the problem was the course was different. To avoid any problem I just took a DNF.

As far as the MWRCA Iowa comp. I would say it was a success. A very ggod turn out. Check out the pic's in the MWRCA results thread in comps section if you haven't seen them. I would also say the 5 hour drive (70 mph speed limit 98% of the way) was worth it for the fun factor alone, not to mention those are some good guys, all of them :) And it was/is an awsome crawling area :lol:
It was their first comp, so things were a little more un-orginized then even our first comp ;-)
I seemed to know the rules better then most there, so I helped out on that end. I learned a few things from these first 2 comps.

1. Start times need to be pushed ahead. If you have 10 guys or more, comps should be started by 10:00 am for tech and drivers meeting, and 11:00 at the latest 1st truck through the gates. Obviously this all depends on the # of gates and the # of trucks and participants, but espicially being we switched the comps to Sun, we probably won't wanna wrap them up too late when most of us will have a drive home after.

2. Course layout:. At our first comp we had just a course basically outlined with gates, no stages to speak of. While this is all fine and dandy, the rules state that: Maximum penalty points:
The maximum points per gate is 20.
Once a driver has reached the maximum of 20-penalty points, they will be placed past that gate. No progress points are given for the gates not cleared*
The maximum points per stage is 40. At that time the driver is given a DNF and the run is complete and the vehicle should be removed from the stage.
This is where I'm thinking we need to clairify this rule, and/or change our course design into "stages" or on some of the tougher courses we may have too many DNF's.

3. As far as a starting order, we need to agree on something like drawing #'s or whatever. I found out in Iowa that the first person to run the course has a great disadvantage. Unless the person who actually set up the course has run those same lines. (which by the way, if their competing is illegal :flipoff:) In Iowa we did have to make a couple of changes to each course, and voted to let that 1st person start over again.

4. Is more on the personal side, but...... I share it with you guys anyway ;-)
Take your time running the course, I think I try to get-r-done a little too fast, subconsciously I'm thinking theres others waiting I guess. Time is only kept in case of a tie.
Also, sometimes it's better to just take the points for a really hard gate then risking breaking your junk and/or accumulating more points then you'd get for just taking the gate, and and/or the points for making a repair (think broken outer axle :twisted:)
I think I mentioned earlier that we never got time to run the Puller aside from a little bit at the campsite, and didn't get to run the sand drags at all.
Sorry this is so long but just some stuff learned from the 1st 2 comps, and an up-date on my junk.
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ToyotaT said:
Beater is this more of a trail run then actual rocks id be up for it i could stretch my trail rigs legs for this one.

are there any plans for another GTG soon it looks like beater has a decent spot found.

It's more of a trail run/exploration type of gtg today and anyone/everyone's welcome.
I'm just waiting for the call from Pro beater
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freetimecrawler said:

2. Course layout:. At our first comp we had just a course basically outlined with gates, no stages to speak of. While this is all fine and dandy, the rules state that: Maximum penalty points:
The maximum points per gate is 20.
Once a driver has reached the maximum of 20-penalty points, they will be placed past that gate. No progress points are given for the gates not cleared*
The maximum points per stage is 40. At that time the driver is given a DNF and the run is complete and the vehicle should be removed from the stage.
This is where I'm thinking we need to clairify this rule, and/or change our course design into "stages" or on some of the tougher courses we may have too many DNF's.

3. As far as a starting order, we need to agree on something like drawing #'s or whatever. I found out in Iowa that the first person to run the course has a great disadvantage. Unless the person who actually set up the course has run those same lines. (which by the way, if their competing is illegal :flipoff:) In Iowa we did have to make a couple of changes to each course, and voted to let that 1st person start over again.

In response to #2, if you look at the glossary of terms at the bottom of the rules it defines a stage:

"Stage: A stage is the terrain that consists of a start gate, an end gate, and all the terrain in between them. Every stage has an intended direction of travel, or “flow”, through the gates."

When laying out each course/stage (same thing) we should keep in mind the 40 point max.

To the point of #3, The starting order is also defined in the rules under the General Event Rules & Event Management section:

"Starting order will be a random draw for the first course. The running order of subsequent courses will be run with the first place driver driving first, and the next lowest driving next, and so on."

I'd say that the standings from our first comp should determine the starting order for the first stage of our next comp, and then any following stages would be based on accumulated points from that day. Then the next comp, starting first on the first stage would be the leader in points for the season up to that point, and so on, and so on.

Some pics from today's scouting. Actually a pretty good local spot. We had a great time with the 2.2s, not as challenging for the clods, but still a blast!

Of course we had some carnage, except Chase didn't have any and Probeater had more than everyone :flipoff:

A great photo opp under the falls

And at the end, if your battery is dead and you don't feel like carrying your rig, just make sure you've got another truck and some zip ties
Any one have any styrofoam? I'm looking for a couple of pices that are about 16in L x 2-3in x 2-3in. The bigger the pices the better.


Also freetime with you looking to move would you still be interested in the N guage train stuff? If so I could bring it up some day this week or some thing.
Etype R said:
Well I redid my TLT again... Its much better in some areas, but worse in others. But I might run it like this anyways. Here is a crappy video clip from my cell phone. Its really poor quality and small, but its only 150kb :-P And this is all you get to see of it until taylors falls.


Could it go up the rock in the other direction?;-)
It could stand up on the back side of the rock... But the tires didn't have any tackey glue on them... So it wouldn't go up that side. It did make it up and over the big rock behind it though :-P

I finally glued all my wheel hexes in tonight too. I kept dropping my wheel nuts because the hexes would spin. So I couldn't fully test out the truck after work today. I might test it out a little more tomarrow. And play with the wheel weights a bit.
freetimecrawler said:
Might be a little late notice, but a couple of us are heading to Taylors for a lil running later today. anyone interested??

I'd like to, but like you said, it's a little bit of late notice. I've got as couple other things going on today.