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any crawlers in MN?

OK Guys, the site is up to a respectable status. There is a full gallery of all the pics I've got from our gtg's, the 2006 schedule has been posted (based upon the current status of the voting), and I've received official permission to post a link with the logo of RCCrawler.com on our site. Members please feel free to add our address to your signature and promote the sh** out of our site...3 days active and already 223 HITS!!! 8)
Nicklepimp said:
OK Guys, the site is up to a respectable status. There is a full gallery of all the pics I've got from our gtg's, the 2006 schedule has been posted (based upon the current status of the voting), and I've received official permission to post a link with the logo of RCCrawler.com on our site. Members please feel free to add our address to your signature and promote the sh** out of our site...3 days active and already 223 HITS!!! 8)

Page looks great Kevin!!! Great job!!!!
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Nicklepimp said:
OK Guys, the site is up to a respectable status. There is a full gallery of all the pics I've got from our gtg's, the 2006 schedule has been posted (based upon the current status of the voting), and I've received official permission to post a link with the logo of RCCrawler.com on our site. Members please feel free to add our address to your signature and promote the sh** out of our site...3 days active and already 223 HITS!!! 8)

There are some guys on www.mn-jeep.com that do RC's too. There was a thread about RC crawling, and I posted our web site on there. Maybe we'll drum up some interest fromthe 1:1 crowd as well. Most of those guys just have the Nylint's, but if they saw what a real RC could do, I bet they'd be on board. GREAT JOB GUYS! LET'S KEEP IT UP!
Hey, thanks to freetimecrawler for giving me a heads-up about you guys.. I live on the u of m campus and I'm going to have more free time soon (schools out for summer!) but i won't have a car for a little while (hopefully around memorial day). I am just finishing my 2.2 crawler and I would love to get together next time! Oh, and the website looks great!

As a sidenote, my summer job i was counting on fell through so i need to find something else asap! If anyone knows of any jobs in the metro area I would definitely appreciate a heads-up on it! I am a student at the U and i am pretty smart and I am also mechanically inclined. Thanks and i look forward to seeing some of you soon!

scho0643 said:
Hey, thanks to freetimecrawler for giving me a heads-up about you guys.. I live on the u of m campus and I'm going to have more free time soon (schools out for summer!) but i won't have a car for a little while (hopefully around memorial day). I am just finishing my 2.2 crawler and I would love to get together next time! Oh, and the website looks great!

As a sidenote, my summer job i was counting on fell through so i need to find something else asap! If anyone knows of any jobs in the metro area I would definitely appreciate a heads-up on it! I am a student at the U and i am pretty smart and I am also mechanically inclined. Thanks and i look forward to seeing some of you soon!


Welcome Aboard!! Thanks for posting, and thanks for checking out our website-I'm glad you like it. I take it that if you've checked out the site you've seen the schedule for the summer. Of course stay tuned to this thread because we periodically have smaller gtg's in between.

What kind of work are you looking for? What jobs/experience do you have? What are you studying? If I know of anything I'll let you know.
scho0643 said:
Hey, thanks to freetimecrawler for giving me a heads-up about you guys.. I live on the u of m campus and I'm going to have more free time soon (schools out for summer!) but i won't have a car for a little while (hopefully around memorial day). I am just finishing my 2.2 crawler and I would love to get together next time! Oh, and the website looks great!

As a sidenote, my summer job i was counting on fell through so i need to find something else asap! If anyone knows of any jobs in the metro area I would definitely appreciate a heads-up on it! I am a student at the U and i am pretty smart and I am also mechanically inclined. Thanks and i look forward to seeing some of you soon!


Welcome aboard Kyle!!!
If you want a ride to the gtg on 5-20-06, Just pm me and we'll set something up. Not a big deal to pick you up, I'm only in Richfield.

Hulk, have you had the chance to check out the website yet??
I hope you can make the next gtg?? It would be nice to get some pic's of all members crawlers for our main page photo on our club website.

On a side note, I got a new set of tlt axles today in the mail, and another P4 Delrin chassis Last Mon/ Looks like a 2nd P4 build is in the works, I might build it and sell it since I don't need 2 P4's.
I also did a trade and have another clod coming tomorrow (Sat), can't wait to see it besides only in pic's. I might have to take it out for a Mothers Day crawl since my mom's out of town anyway.
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I am an economics major, but i have done all kinds of work in the past. I have done a lot of landscaping type work, last summer i worked for rainbow tree care in st louis park injecting trees to prevent dutch elm disease, and i've also had customer service experience (i am an assistant manager at a small grocery store here on campus right now, but they only give me night hours). Thanks for welcoming me! and i have to work until 2 on the day of the gtg but i may even be able to borrow my girlfriends car... thanks again
rerock said:
There are some guys on www.mn-jeep.com that do RC's too. There was a thread about RC crawling, and I posted our web site on there. Maybe we'll drum up some interest fromthe 1:1 crowd as well. Most of those guys just have the Nylint's, but if they saw what a real RC could do, I bet they'd be on board. GREAT JOB GUYS! LET'S KEEP IT UP!

Hmmm, maybe we should try doing a little demo at One of their events/gtg's?, Maybe make it One of our Mn comp series events?
Rerock, since you posted there and all, do you wanna contact them and see about a tie-in with One of their events/gtg's?
And, any one interested?? It would probably be a boon to our MNRCRC club and rc crawling in Mn in general with the 1:1 guys, and their spectators. Even if we had to bring our own course.
Just a thought.
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Thanks guys... And from the looks of the times that you both posted, you were the first two... But that's because I keep it a bit of a secret at work (I don't necessarily like the over-head birthday announcements). And not to mention that i went into work early this morning for a few hours for some OT before my GF got up, and by the time I got home she was already on her way to Rochester for the weekend (Mother's day, Dad's b-day, Brothers's B-day). But she was technically first... since she called this morning before I was able to go on Crawler.
Anyways, thanks again.
Mn Gtg

Don't forget about the GTG next Sat 5-20-06
Location: Cannon Falls
Time: 2:00 pm

Pro beater will be posting directions.
All are encouraged to try and make it., as this will probably be the last official gtg before the kick off of the MN summer comp series starting 6-10-06.
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Happy b-day man , !!!!!!!!!!!!

on another note , who all is going to the G2G in Cannon Falls next weekend?????

its 52 South to 280th/County86 (go left), keep going forward , make no turns you wull pass a fina gas station on the right, then cross 1 bridge , and find a place to park (either side of street there are lots)....
if you pass the VFW ya are 1/2 block too far , there is a little duck pond by the creek , we can all meet there (down the hill from the VFW) there is a smooth rock pile next to the trees we'll meet up there.....

if anyone needs a ride or wants to "convoy" we can meet up in bloomington , just send me a PM and we can figure somthin out
Yeah I like the idea of a Convoy or something... We could all meet somewhere specific (where exactly, IDK) at around 1:00ish maybe. It takes about 45 min or so to get to Cannon Falls, correct?
Hey Troy, you still thinking of going out crawling tomorrow? I might be up for some... I have some stuff to do in the late morning/early afternoon (go see mom and such). But after that, say between 1 & 5 I'd be able to go...
Anyone else?

*note* Given the weather cooperates. If its rainy/damp, depending on how much, maybe not.
Yeah, I'm up for some running, I just have to wire this new clod I got today so I can do a little testing tomorrow. I don't think I'm gonna keep this chassis. It's supposed to start out dreary and get nicer towards later afternoon.
I need to pick up some metal yokes for both, well started a 3rd, so for all 3 of my tlt's, I still haven't locked the clod axles, but the one I just got has them locked.

Pick a time thats good for you and post it.
Are you thinking Burnsville?
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Hey Freetime, let me know if you have a logo or if not when you come up with a logo for your site so I can put it on our mnrcrc site with the other links we have.
Nicklepimp said:
Hey Freetime, let me know if you have a logo or if not when you come up with a logo for your site so I can put it on our mnrcrc site with the other links we have.
I haven't got a logo yet, gonna be working on the site this week.
Great job on the website. How many hits so far now?

A pic of my new clod.

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