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any crawlers in MN?


Vote #4 Proposal.

Vote #5 Logo
i liked the logo with thew state on each side as far as a windsheild banner goes , i think it is the 3rd one with the font under the state outline would do for the club logo, i'd like to add a truck outline in themiddle of the state somewhere tho...

wow , i do good on the recon huh?:flipoff: lol
Mn Summer Comp Series Schedule vote post.
*Please cut and paste.
Then post your name by your 1st choice only!! Votes only!!! Please if you have comments to add, add them to another post. We wanna keep this from getting to long, and cluttered. Please copy and paste the entire post.
Please keep in mind that June 3rd is the weekend after Memorial Day weekend.
June 24th is the MWRCA comp.
July 1st is the 4th weekend.
Sept 2nd is Labor day weekend.

June: Pick 1 date.
10th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
July: Pick 2 dates.
15th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
29th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
August: Pick 2 dates.
12th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
26th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
September: Pick 2 dates.
9th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
23rd. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
October: Pick 1 date, & 1 date for a possible make up date.
7th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
14th. Freetime (make up), Nicklepimp (make up), Pro Beater (make up)

This post will tally votes until next Friday 5-12-06 and then we need to set the schedule.Post up your votes before then.
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I'm just finishing wiring up that P4. I'm thinking on running down to Burnsville this afternoon for a little test on the P4. Anyone available and want to meet up? I broke a pinion and have to wait until Hub opens to get one, at Noon.
Mn Summer Comp Series Schedule vote post.
*Please cut and paste.
Then post your name by your 1st choice only!! Votes only!!! Please if you have comments to add, add them to another post. We wanna keep this from getting to long, and cluttered. Please copy and paste the entire post.
Please keep in mind that June 3rd is the weekend after Memorial Day weekend.
June 24th is the MWRCA comp.
July 1st is the 4th weekend.
Sept 2nd is Labor day weekend.

June: Pick 1 date.
10th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
July: Pick 2 dates.
15th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
29th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
August: Pick 2 dates.
12th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
26th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
September: Pick 2 dates.
9th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
23rd. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
October: Pick 1 date, & 1 date for a possible make up date.
7th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater
14th. Freetime (make up), Nicklepimp (make up), Pro Beater (make up)

This post will tally votes until next Friday 5-12-06 and then we need to set the schedule.Post up your votes before then.___________________________________________

Mn club voting post

Just post your name by your choice.
Vote #1: Banner font-Sticker for banner
1) North Country, Speedsport (1), Rerock (2)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT, Rerock (1)

Vote #2: Next GTG date.

May 6th...)
May 13th.),Adogg13x, North Country, Pro beater, ToyotaT,
May 20th.)Speedsport, 9guy9, Nicklepimp* Freetime, Rerock

Vote #3: next GTG location:

1. Burnsville location:

2. Cannon Falls location: Freetime,

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Ok, this is my latest version of our logo... Tell me what you think.


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I tried, but even after I get it to the right demensions, it is too many bytes. By the time I get within the bytes you can't even see it anymore.:evil: I'll try it some more tomorrow. Thanks for the compliment!!!
Nickle pimp it looks good. I also have some bad news. I might not be able to make the next GTG. I was out playing in my new rock pile and I lost drive on the left front. Then the left rear went. I cant afford parts right now so this sucks. I need the steel solid nitro TC3 or TC4 spools.
Any way I will see if I can fix it but I dont think I can.
Nicklepimp said:
I tried, but even after I get it to the right demensions, it is too many bytes. By the time I get within the bytes you can't even see it anymore.:evil: I'll try it some more tomorrow. Thanks for the compliment!!!

To get the bites down: Go to 'save as', and select JPEG from the 'save as type'.(you may need to rename it, or you can overwrite the existing one)
Odds are that it was originally saved as a bitmap in paint. Which is way too large of a file size even when shrunken down. But a JPEG will allow you to bring the image within the 100x100 pixel range AND be below the file size limit.
Thats how I do all of my avatar photos.
Mn Summer Comp Series Schedule vote post.
*Please cut and paste.
Then post your name by your 1st choice only!! Votes only!!! Please if you have comments to add, add them to another post. We wanna keep this from getting to long, and cluttered. Please copy and paste the entire post.
Please keep in mind that June 3rd is the weekend after Memorial Day weekend.
June 24th is the MWRCA comp.
July 1st is the 4th weekend.
Sept 2nd is Labor day weekend.

June: Pick 1 date.

10th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
July: Pick 2 dates.
15th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
29th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
August: Pick 2 dates.
12th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
26th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
September: Pick 2 dates.
9th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
23rd. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
October: Pick 1 date, & 1 date for a possible make up date.
7th. Freetime, Nicklepimp, Pro Beater, Rerock
14th. Freetime (make up), Nicklepimp (make up), Pro Beater (make up), Rerock (M/U)

IT'S ALIVE! The new radio showed up, and got 'er done! Still needs the dig installed, but that'll happen after Dresser and before the MWRCA IA comp. Needs some of those 2500 MAh AA battery packs, but other than that she goes! So far it's walked all over anything I've thrown at it. I don't know if I can improve much on this design.

I was at the LHS picking up the radio and was looking at the E-Maxx trannys. Since it's a 2 speed using a shift fork, how easy would it be to take out the 2nd gear and replace it with another 1st gear. Then you could use the shift fork for a rediculously easy front dig. I guess there's two pins on the inside of the main gears that combine/seperate the teeth that could be modified to lock the rear end during a dig. Maybe I'll use this tranny and give this a shot on my son's Juggy/TXT.
Sorry this is kinda off topic, but I figured this would be a place to get this question answered. Does anyone know of a twin cities hobby shop that would be likly to carry replacement TLT axle shafts? I am coming up tomarrow from Mankato to Ridgedale Mall for some work training, and figured I'd see if i could find a pair of shafts. Since Tower lost my order and I am still waiting for some from them (2+ weeks).

I found addresses for Hobby Town and RC Car kings, and they look like their not too far out of my way, so I will probably check them. I need some parts for my LST also, and my helicopter:mrgreen:
9GUY9 said:
Sorry this is kinda off topic, but I figured this would be a place to get this question answered. Does anyone know of a twin cities hobby shop that would be likly to carry replacement TLT axle shafts? I am coming up tomarrow from Mankato to Ridgedale Mall for some work training, and figured I'd see if i could find a pair of shafts. Since Tower lost my order and I am still waiting for some from them (2+ weeks).

I found addresses for Hobby Town and RC Car kings, and they look like their not too far out of my way, so I will probably check them. I need some parts for my LST also, and my helicopter:mrgreen:

I would say try a Yellow pages and call around. Pro beater bought the last 2 sets Rc Car Kings had last week, and luckily because he broke some again Sun.
I have 12 sets on order, but haven't received them yet. Don't bother calling Hobby warehouse or Hub hobby Richfield, I've tried both.
Good luck with the axle hunt.
And check your calendar and post up on the comp date's vote post above.
Thanks for the info Freetimecrawler.

As far as the comp dates. It makes little difference to me. As long as I know in advance I can usually get the day off. The only date I have a problem with is Oct 21st, as I am getting married that day:neutral:
weak axles

man , someone has got to come out with some stronger upgraded axles , i went through 3 sets of axles in a month , and i have spent more time swapp'n out broken parts than i have spent on the rocks :twisted:

freetime and nickel pimp , sent the pics
Pics from a mini gtg on 5-7-06 via Pro Beaters cam.


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