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any crawlers in MN?

Cannon Falls Recon

OK , can i email somone about 8 pics so ya can post them ?

i made a trip to Cannon Falls today and did some Recon work , we took photos , then later brought out dad's crawler , it was SWEET

the Recon of Cannon Falls Crawling spot along the creek , plenty of parking , great picnic site ,playground fot the kids , ducks and geese for the nature nuts , shopping is close , there are even a coffee house,bars, restrants , and a hardware store, and antique shops within walking distance....:flipoff:
pro beater said:
OK , can i email somone about 8 pics so ya can post them ?

i made a trip to Cannon Falls today and did some Recon work , we took photos , then later brought out dad's crawler , it was SWEET

the Recon of Cannon Falls Crawling spot along the creek , plenty of parking , great picnic site ,playground fot the kids , ducks and geese for the nature nuts , shopping is close , there are even a coffee house,bars, restrants , and a hardware store, and antique shops within walking distance....:flipoff:

Yeah ProBeater, you can email the pics to me, I'll post 'em right away. I can't wait to see the pics!!! Check your PM for my address.
Here's ProBeater's pics...


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we took dad's crawler out to play under the bridge, there are quite a few good lines to run , and he was amazed how well it ran , i also ran in the water run off creaveses:flipoff: there is a small brook type area for those other guys that are waterproofed
if antone wants to check it out this weekend shoot me a PM and i'll give ya my phone number .... i dont know if my truck will be up for the next get together (pair of snapped axles) but i'm sure dad will share his truck with me since i built it :flipoff:

i'll be available after 4pm on friday and anytime on sat or sun.....

let me know what ya think about the find
I go to cannon quite often and it never clicked to check it out for spots. (dur cannon river :roll: ) that looks like a pretty trick spot.

BTW sort of a life of zach update, I passed my driver's test, on the second try too! now i dont have to mooch off the folks to get to these GTGs. (I do need to worry about mooching friends though :shock: ).
Need a ride zach?

if you are interested in goin on friday zach , send me a PM before and i'll give ya my phone #, i should be able to pick ya up on the way if ya want ....

Freetime , that would be great man , if ya want we can all meet up on friday , nicklepimp and i both get off work at the same time , and it sounds like we might be head'n out there on fri , i'll send ya my # in a PM

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pro beater said:
dont know if my truck will be up for the next get together (pair of snapped axles)

Great find! Looks perfect!

You got a TLT right? Well I have a TLT sitting here that is not mine, it's freeks, but it's been sitting here for quite a while now. There are three of the shafts sitting in it, so depening on which ones you broke, you might be able to "borrow" some for the GTG. I could bring them with and you could slap them in for a bit. What ones do you need short side or long side?
parts in hand

i stopped by the LHS today , and they had 2 sets in stock , bought 'em both .:flipoff:

i guess they come in a set , like long and short together in the package , that rocks , now i have a spair set of axles:twisted:

bought some other stuff too......

Friday is canceled for me guys , got told i have to work a crappy shift friday night , BUT i am all good to go on sat ...

for those going any time ya wanna meetand do we want to meet up before head'n out there and convoy iy , ot meet somewhere in cannon? ????
Mn club voting post
Just post your name by your choice.
Please cut and paste then post up your vote.
If you have something to add you think should be voted on, post it up here

Vote #1: Webpage
MNRCCrawlers.com) 9guy9
MNCrawlers.com) Nicklepimp
MNRCRockCrawlers.com) Freetime, Adogg13x, North Country, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT, MaddJack, Rerock

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country, Speedsport (1), Rerock (2)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT, Rerock(1)

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.)North Country, Pro beater, ToyotaT, Rerock, Adogg13x(2),
May 20th.)Speedsport, 9guy9, Nicklepimp, Freetime, Adogg13x(1),

Vote #4 Proposal.
I would like to add to the vote a proposal by FreetimeRcHobbies an offer to pay for registration for a MNRCCrawlers.com domain for the first 2 yrs, in exchange for a small ad on our club website?

Yes) speedsport, nicklepimp, Adogg13x, Rerock, 9guy9


I'd like to add a poll on our logo. I posted 3 versions...I can adjust them(colors, layout, wording, font, etc.) or if people don't like them at all please submit suggestions or examples. Also does anyone have an objection to me handling the website? I've got Microsoft Frontpage and I've been tinkering with it-seems like I've got the hang of it.

Vote #5 Logo

Like I said before, I changed my vote for the 20th as our next GTG. I could probably still make it to the 13th, but not for as long, maybe?(still not sure on details for that day.) But I figure since there are a few people that absolutly can't make it on the 13th, then the 20th might be better anyways. Unless there is an equal amount,
of those that picked the 13th, that absolutly can't make it on the 20th...
Just my thoughts.
Mn club voting post

Just post your name by your choice.
Please cut and paste then post up your vote.
If you have something to add you think should be voted on, post it up here

Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawlers.com)Freetime, Adogg13x, North Country, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT, MaddJack, Rerock

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country, Speedsport (1), Rerock (2)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT, Rerock (1)

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.),Adogg13x, North Country, Pro beater, ToyotaT,
May 20th.)Speedsport, 9guy9, Nicklepimp* Freetime, Rerock

Vote #4 Proposal.
I would like to add to the vote a proposal by FreetimeRcHobbies an offer to pay for registration for a MNRCCrawlers.com domain for the first 2 yrs, in exchange for a small ad on our club website?

Yes) speedsport,nicklepimp,Adogg13x, Rerock, 9guy9


I'd like to add a poll on our logo. I posted 3 versions...I can adjust them(colors, layout, wording, font, etc.) or if people don't like them at all please submit suggestions or examples. Also does anyone have an objection to me handling the website? I've got Microsoft Frontpage and I've been tinkering with it-seems like I've got the hang of it.

Vote #5 Logo
1) (I'd vote, but I can't remember what page this is on.)


The season is here!!!

My thoughts are as follows: Realistically, say we feel we're ready after our next gtg to start our summer comp series. The following date's are our Sat date's June-early Oct:
June: 3, 10, 17, 24. (24 is the MWRCA comp in IA)
July: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. (1st is the 4th of July weekend)
Aug: 5, 12, 19, 26.
Sept: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. (2nd is Labor day weekend)
Oct: 7, 14, 21.

I was thinking June 3rd might be too close to Memorial day weekend?, and June 17th too close to the MWRCA comp for me to risk breakage a week before that comp. So... Maybe 1 comp in June. 2 in July, 2 in Aug, 2 in Sept, and 1 early Oct for a total of 8. Best of 6 counting for points total as we talked about? We could use an early Oct weekend for any make up date's we may need.

Troy, I like your suggestion. Keep the comps away from holidays. Lets get this going! I'll havea running rig for the next GTG; however the dig set up will be tackled after Dresser, before the June 24 comp.
Has anybody seen Pro beater's pic's of the Cannon Falls spot??
What do people think of moving the May 20th GTG to that spot?

Also, lets here from some of you guys who haven't posted for awhile.

4x4rcfreek? Mudman20? Clodesota? Cole18? Mn Gumby? Mgtmania?
You guys interested in this MN club thing? You need to try and log on here once a week or so to keep up with this thread. The season is apon us, and it's time to get started.

MaddJack, you only voted on the webpage club name, post up your other votes.

Pro beater, I'm game to check out that spot on Sat, I'll shoot you a pm or call you tonight to see about hooking up.
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That web site would be really helpful for all of the voting we have to do. I vote for that Cannon falls location for the GTG.