Mn club voting post
Just post your name by your choice.
Please cut and paste then post up your vote.
If you have something to add you think should be voted on, post it up here
Vote #1: webpage
9guy9, Adogg13x, North Country, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT, MaddJack
, Rerock
Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country, Speedsport (1),
Rerock (2)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT,
Rerock (1)
Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.),Adogg13x, North Country, Pro beater, ToyotaT,
May 20th.)Speedsport,
9guy9, Nicklepimp* Freetime, Rerock
Vote #4 Proposal.
I would like to add to the vote a proposal by FreetimeRcHobbies an offer to pay for registration for a domain for the first 2 yrs, in exchange for a small ad on our club website?
Yes) speedsport,nicklepimp,Adogg13x,
Rerock, 9guy9
I'd like to add a poll on our logo. I posted 3 versions...I can adjust them(colors, layout, wording, font, etc.) or if people don't like them at all please submit suggestions or examples. Also does anyone have an objection to me handling the website? I've got Microsoft Frontpage and I've been tinkering with it-seems like I've got the hang of it.
Vote #5 Logo
1) (I'd vote, but I can't remember what page this is on.)
The season is here!!!
My thoughts are as follows: Realistically, say we feel we're ready after our next gtg to start our summer comp series. The following date's are our Sat date's June-early Oct:
June: 3, 10, 17, 24. (24 is the MWRCA comp in IA)
July: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. (1st is the 4th of July weekend)
Aug: 5, 12, 19, 26.
Sept: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30. (2nd is Labor day weekend)
Oct: 7, 14, 21.
I was thinking June 3rd might be too close to Memorial day weekend?, and June 17th too close to the MWRCA comp for me to risk breakage a week before that comp. So... Maybe 1 comp in June. 2 in July, 2 in Aug, 2 in Sept, and 1 early Oct for a total of 8. Best of 6 counting for points total as we talked about? We could use an early Oct weekend for any make up date's we may need.
Troy, I like your suggestion. Keep the comps away from holidays. Lets get this going! I'll havea running rig for the next GTG; however the dig set up will be tackled after Dresser, before the June 24 comp.