Nice work on the website Kevin!!!
Looks like your off to a great start with it.
By Fri/Sat we can add our comp schedule.
Now all we need to do is get everybody thats interested to show up at a gtg at One time for a club front page photo of all members crawlers.
Still waiting on the following to post up: Everybody that busy??
Any besides those of us posting recently even interested anymore???
A month ago when the weather sucked, we had all kinds of interest here, now that the season is here, there about 6 active posters on here lately???
I'm encouraged about the direction the club is starting off, yet somewhat discouraged by the lack of posting lately.
4x4rcfreek, J ?
Adogg, your kinda Denny's voice since he doesn't post here.
Speedsport, Chris, I know your rig is down, but I have 3 and probably a 4th done by then, your welcome to run something of mine. (without worry of breaking something) Good luck with the job hunt btw.
9Guy9 ? Luke, find any axle shafts?? I'm calling and checking on the dozen sets I have on order at 2:00pm today to check the statis.
Hulk, I know your a busy guy, but I don't wanna leave you out.
Mudman20, wassup??
North country??
Clodesota, Russell, you still around up there in Cushing ??
ToyotaT, where you been Zach??
Cole18, haven't heard from you in awhile??
Mn Gumby, where did you disappear to??
Mgt mania, been awhile, whats up??
Scho0643, I talked to you via PM, Are you gonna post up soon??
The season is here, time to post up and get this club up and running, we all know how short of summer we have in Mn and how fast it goes. Lets get rocking.