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any crawlers in MN?

I've also been working on something for a window banner decal for our RC trucks. Since we are not too sure on what the RC site is going to be, this is just a "preliminary scetch". It could easily be changed to not include the 'www., .com'.
Let me know what style(s) you guys like.
Personally, I like the second one the best. then maybe the third...

*edited to make them all www.MNRCRockCrawlers.com


  • MNRCRockCrawling Banner ideas.JPG
    MNRCRockCrawling Banner ideas.JPG
    32.1 KB · Views: 78
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Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawlers.com) Freetime, Adogg13x,

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
2) Freetime, Adogg13x,

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.) Freetime, Adogg13x
May 20th.)

*As for the banner pics, I'm going to look into getting them made. And if the cost isn't too extreme I may have a couple different kinds done. So if you pick the one you like the best, I may do the top three chosen or something. We'll see.
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Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawling.com)Freetime, Adogg13x,

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
2) Freetime, Adogg13x,Nicklepimp

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.) Freetime, Adogg13x,Nicklepimp
May 20th.)

As far as the logos, I can make some changes if you guys think I'm on the right track, or if one of the ones I posted looks cool we can go with that.

Also, I was up late last night(5am:shock: ) messing around on my computer, I'm pretty sure I can develop a website for us. If anyone has any objections to that or insight on what they'd like to see on the sight let met know. Looking into it, I think you need to somewhat purchase the domain-and I found a site where we can get it for as little as $7 per year.
no objections here, although I do highly recommend Godaddy for domain name purchases. They my be a dollar or 2 more, but their the largest register of domain names on the net. I have 6 domain names registered with them, and have never had a problem.
I wish I could have made it, looks like you guys stayed dry, well some of you. (who was that, freetime in the mud I think).

  • MNRCRockcrawling

  • 1st and 3rd banners.

This crawling crew looks like its getting strong.
North Country said:
I wish I could have made it, looks like you guys stayed dry, well some of you. (who was that, freetime in the mud I think).
  • MNRCRockcrawling
  • 1st and 3rd banners.
This crawling crew looks like its getting strong.

Yeah, that was Red Raider and I. Red just wouldn't let a little rain spoil his fun.;-)

Matter of fact, that was so fun, I think I'm going to tape over the vents on my 1:6 Nylint with tt, and take her down and see if I can drown her with some mudd boggin.:lol:
Sorry I would cut and paste but I suck at this computer stuff.

Hey Pimp, do those pictures have to be done on computer or can you draw it out pencil and paper old school style?

( NicklePimp, is that like Ballin' on a budget :mrgreen: I hear that)
North Country said:
Sorry I would cut and paste but I suck at this computer stuff.

Hey Pimp, do those pictures have to be done on computer or can you draw it out pencil and paper old school style?

( NicklePimp, is that like Ballin' on a budget :mrgreen: I hear that)

Pimpin' aint easy!!! ;-)
They could be drawn by hand I guess. I just searched and found a picture of Minnesota and copy/pasted, then colored it. Same with the font-but I did find some other fonts I'm messing with.
I was thinking about it and I kinda like 'www.MNRCRockCrawlers.com' better than the 'Crawling' version. I noticed that I did write it out that way in the last banner selection, didn't even know that I did that.
Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawlers.com)Freetime, Adogg13x, North Country,speedsport

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country,speedsport(1)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp,speedsport(2)

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, North Country,speedsport
May 20th.)
Diggin it

I'm diggin that last banner design

add me for votes

1. MNRCRockCrawlers.com

2. Banner font-Sticker #2

3. Next GTG date May 13th
Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawlers.com)Freetime, Adogg13x, North Country, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country, Speedsport (1)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, North Country,, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT
May 20th.)

I'm pissed I couldn't make it on time i was talking with freetime and he said you guys had left just before I got up there.
My buddy got a bunch of his parts in so he started putting it together but when i got there he had made it sound like it was almost all done it just needed electronics. His axels weren't even put together and his chassis was in pieces. after an hour of trying to throw it together i finally got him to leave his POS.
we made it up there around 3:30 and every one was gone.
sorry about my little rant :lol: figured you guys all needed to hear my pointless story.
Oh well, sorry you missed us, I guess on the bright side, 2 weeks until next gtg isn't too long in between this time. Just make sure your friend gets his "POS" done.;-)
Hopefully North Country, Mudman20, mgtmania, 9Guy9, Denny, Patrick, 4x4rcfreek, Mn Gumby, and Cole 18 can make the next gtg? I know that Hulk is pretty busy, Clodesota is from near Brainerd so I doubt they'll make it? but all are welcome.
freetimecrawler said:
Vote #4 Proposal.
I would like to add to the vote a proposal by FreetimeRcHobbies an offer to pay for registration for a MNRCCrawlers.com domain for the first 2 yrs, in exchange for a small ad on our club website?



EDIT: I'm also going to add to this a request for people to post up suggestions for the location of the gtg.
Or should we just go with the Burnsville site for now since most everyone knows directions?

As for the website... I'm all for you haveing some sort of ad or whatever on the MNRCRockCrawlers.com site (is it that one or MNRCCrawlers(like you posted) that we are going with? It looks as though MNRCRockCrawlers is "winning" the vote...)
So let me get this straight, you are willing to pay for two years for a domain in return for some advertising space for your FreetimeHobbies.com... no charge to us? I'm for it.

And as for the location, I think we should shoot for the Burnsville spot agian since it was the original intent. And heavens forbid it rains again, we have Black Dog as a back up. Or maybe someone finds another good spot, either under a bridge or not.:mrgreen:
All in favor

i dont have a prob with freetime putting up an ad , that would work for me , as far as b'vill sure , we havnt been there yet , hopefully the weather will get a little better that weekend than it was this weekend , i'll try to find a couple other spots as well , i'll do some recon work hopefully soon , i know Park Jeep has a little "Test Track" right behind the dealership... theres a couple other spots i'll check out , i'll grab photos too
Mn club voting post

Just post your name by your choice.
Please cut and paste then post up your vote.
If you have something to add you think should be voted on, post it up here

Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawlers.com)Freetime, Adogg13x, North Country, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country, Speedsport (1)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, North Country, Pro beater, ToyotaT
May 20th.)Speedsport,

Vote #4 Proposal.
I would like to add to the vote a proposal by FreetimeRcHobbies an offer to pay for registration for a MNRCCrawlers.com domain for the first 2 yrs, in exchange for a small ad on our club website?

Yes. speedsport,


I had to change my vote for the next GTG because I found out I have a graduation to go to.
Vote #1: webpage
MNRCRockCrawlers.com)Freetime, Adogg13x, North Country, Speedsport, Pro beater, ToyotaT

Vote #2: Banner font-Sticker #
1) North Country, Speedsport (1)
2) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, Speedsport (2), Pro beater, ToyotaT

Vote #3: Next GTG date.
May 6th...)
May 13th.) Freetime, Adogg13x, Nicklepimp, North Country, Pro beater, ToyotaT
May 20th.)Speedsport,

Vote #4 Proposal.
I would like to add to the vote a proposal by FreetimeRcHobbies an offer to pay for registration for a MNRCCrawlers.com domain for the first 2 yrs, in exchange for a small ad on our club website?

Yes) speedsport,nicklepimp,Adogg13x(I added your name since you said you were for it-feel free to remove it if not)


I'd like to add a poll on our logo. I posted 3 versions...I can adjust them(colors, layout, wording, font, etc.) or if people don't like them at all please submit suggestions or examples. Also does anyone have an objection to me handling the website? I've got Microsoft Frontpage and I've been tinkering with it-seems like I've got the hang of it.

Vote #5 Logo